JTR 5 beta 1 is available
JTR 5 beta 1 is available
This is the first beta release of JTR 5. JTR 5 comes with the following new features and changes:
-removes the already deprecated WSIF-based web-services support, shipping now only the JAX-WS 2.1 based
-adds runners parameterization based on built-in statistical functions (see here for more details)
-adds runners parameterization based on user-defined scripts (see here for more details)
-adds JUnit 4 integration for running JUnit 4 tests along with JTR native runners (see here for more details)
-adds headless running mode, for running tests meant to be integrated in a continuos-integration process (see here for more details)
-adds new ad-hoc Ant tasks for running JTR nodes both in active and passive mode (see here for more details)
You can go here to download the beta release and start working with it.
Saturday, 3 January 2009