JTR Functional Overview
The JTR Project is a Java distributed testing framework conceived to fill a gap existing today most notably in the open-source world that’s the lack of a single tool that could help in developing from simple to complex test suites in Java with particular emphasis on the stack of backend-technologies embraced by the JEE specification.
The JTR Framework
The JTR Framework is aimed at fastening the development of both functional and stress-test suites for verifying the requirements and robustness of both JSE and JEE projects. The JTR Framework supports you in writing components meant for testing:
  1. standard JSE components / applications
  2. EJBs conforming to both J2EE 2.x and JEE specifications
  3. MOM-based JSE and JEE systems (JMS)
  4. web-services (both document-based and rpc-like)
The JTR Framework has been written following the principles of IoC (Inversion of Control). Following this approach it lets developers focus exclusively on the test-logic, bereaving him/her of the burden to think about dealing with a great number of issues generally related with resource retrieval, multithreading management, tests parameterizations, error handling and so on.
The JTR Framework lets you concentrate solely on the testing logic, leveraging on the JTR Runtime to deal with other important tasks on your behalf.
The JTR Runtime
The JTR Runtime provides you with the following features:
  1. multiple runner instances management (runners-multithreading and scheduling)
  2. runner instances parameterization
  3. management of JMS resources
  4. stub-less (or dynamic) webservices invocation
  5. automatic error handling
  6. test results collection and inspection via the JTRConsole
  7. effortless distributed testing
JTR Customization
The JTR Project is an highly customizable product. This feature enables you to mold it in the way that most satisfy your needs and requirements. Customizing JTR is an easy process that requires you to become confident with those pluggability point exposed by the JTR Framework. Further information are provided in a dedicated section of the Users’ Guide.
Adherence to standards
JTR leverages on a large number of both industry and de-facto standards under the hood (JMS, J2EE, JEE, JAX-WS, JAXB, RMI, Log4J) and is integrable in every development environment by means of Ant.
Going on
In order to have a much more detailed view of the JTR Project you should go and read the Users’ Guide.