JTR 3.0: webservices testing
This new release adds support for testing webservices.
A new abstract base runner has been added to the JTR framework (AbstractWsRunner). This is the abstract class every user-defined runner implementation should extend in order to inherit webservices invocation abilities. Finally the jtr.xml configuration file is described by means of an XML schema, so you can validate your own configuration files against the jtr.xsd.
The webservices invocation component is pluggable: the JTR framework defines a set of interfaces you can implement if you want to change the default webservices invocation enginge which is based on WSIF and DII (Dynamic Invocation Interface).
The definition of which concrete webservice invocation engine to use is located at the top of the jtr.xml configuration file in the factories section.
Monday, 9 January 2006