Clover coverage report -
Coverage timestamp: Sat Jul 7 2007 16:41:13 CEST
file stats: LOC: 120   Methods: 5
NCLOC: 40   Classes: 1
 Source file Conditionals Statements Methods TOTAL 100% 100% 100% 100%
 1    /**
 2    * JTRunner is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 3    * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 4    * Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
 5    */
 7    package jtr.assigner.impl;
 9    import jtr.runners.IRunnerClean;
 10    import jtr.config.RunnerConfig;
 11    import jtr.runners.IRunnerParameterized;
 12    import jtr.config.ParametersMap;
 13    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
 15    /**
 16    * This class is a concrete <code>IParamsAssigner</code> implementation
 17    * providing a cyclic parameters assignment policy.<br>
 18    * This means that should a configured runner have multiple parameters-sets
 19    * associated with it, this particular assigner would iterate over all the
 20    * available parameters-set and assign them to the runner following the order in
 21    * which they compare in the <code>jtr.xml</code> configuration file. Each
 22    * assignment will be performed at the beginning of each run.<br>
 23    * The number of runs has priority over the number of configured
 24    * parameters-sets.
 25    *
 26    * @author Francesco Russo (
 27    * @version 4.0
 28    * @since 1.0
 29    */
 30    public class CyclicParamsAssigner extends AbstractParamsAssigner {
 31    /**
 32    * Default constructor.
 33    */
 34  4 public CyclicParamsAssigner() {
 35    }
 37    /**
 38    * Assing to the provided <code>cRunners</code> the parameters defined in
 39    * the first parameter-set obtainable from the given
 40    * <code>runnerConfig</code>.
 41    *
 42    * @param cRunners
 43    * IRunnerClean[] Set of <code>IRunnerClean</code> instances
 44    * belonging to the same class.
 45    * @param runnerConfig
 46    * RunnerConfig Configuration for the above runners
 47    * @return IRunnerParameterized[] The set of input runners transitioned to
 48    * the <code>PARAMETERIZED</code> state
 49    */
 50  4 public IRunnerParameterized[] assign(IRunnerClean[] cRunners, RunnerConfig runnerConfig) {
 51  4 logger.debug("Assigning parameters to " + cRunners.length + " IRunners");
 52    // local memory for the future
 53  4 this.runnerConfig = runnerConfig;
 54  4 ParametersMap params = (ParametersMap) runnerConfig.getParameterMaps().get(0);
 55  4 for (int i = 0; i < cRunners.length; i++) {
 56  30 performStdAssignment(cRunners[i], runnerConfig, params, this);
 57    }
 58  4 return (IRunnerParameterized[]) cRunners;
 59    }
 61    /**
 62    * This method always returns <code>true</code>.
 63    *
 64    * @return boolean
 65    */
 66  21950 public boolean requiresReinitialization() {
 67  21950 return true;
 68    }
 70    /**
 71    * Perform every assignment subsequent to the first one using the
 72    * <code>RunnerConfig</code> provided to the <code>assign</code> method.
 73    *
 74    * @param cRunner
 75    * IRunnerClean The runner to be parameterized in its
 76    * <code>CLEAN</code> state
 77    * @return IRunnerParameterized The runner in its <code>PARAMETERIZED</code>
 78    * state
 79    */
 80  15969 public IRunnerParameterized reAssign(IRunnerClean cRunner) {
 81  15968 if (threadLocal.get() == null) {
 82    // should a thread be invoking this method for the first time
 83    // let's set to 1 the depth in the list of the parameters to be
 84    // assigned
 85    // to the IRunner represented by the current thread
 86  1500 threadLocal.set(new Integer(1));
 87    }
 88  15966 Integer depth = (Integer) threadLocal.get();
 89    // let's retrieve the parameters of index "depth mod(dim)"
 90  15966 ParametersMap params = (ParametersMap) runnerConfig.getParameterMaps().get(depth.intValue() % runnerConfig.getParameterMaps().size());
 91    // we need to re-read the standard parameters too, since they might be
 92    // modified by the
 93    // current ParametersMap
 94  15969 performStdAssignment(cRunner, runnerConfig, params, this);
 95    // let's increase by one the depth value held by the threadLocal
 96    // variable
 97  15969 threadLocal.set(new Integer(depth.intValue() + 1));
 98  15970 return (IRunnerParameterized) cRunner;
 99    }
 101    /**
 102    * Brings the provided runner back to its first state.
 103    *
 104    * @param cRunner
 105    * IRunnerClean The runner in its <code>CLEAN</code> state
 106    * @return IRunnerParameterized The runner in its <code>PARAMETERIZED</code>
 107    * state
 108    */
 109  1470 public IRunnerParameterized backToFirstAssignment(IRunnerClean cRunner) {
 110  1470 logger.debug("Bringing the IRunner back to its first state");
 111  1470 threadLocal.set(new Integer(0));
 112  1470 return reAssign(cRunner);
 113    }
 115    private ThreadLocal<Integer> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<Integer>();
 117    private RunnerConfig runnerConfig;
 119    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CyclicParamsAssigner.class);
 120    }