Clover coverage report -
Coverage timestamp: Sat Jul 7 2007 16:41:13 CEST
file stats: LOC: 736   Methods: 34
NCLOC: 515   Classes: 1
 Source file Conditionals Statements Methods TOTAL 0% 0% 0% 0%
 1    /**
 2    * JTRunner is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 3    * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 4    * Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
 5    */
 7    package;
 9    import java.util.Iterator;
 10    import java.util.concurrent.Future;
 12    import javax.wsdl.Definition;
 13    import javax.wsdl.WSDLException;
 14    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
 15    import;
 17    import;
 18    import;
 19    import;
 20    import;
 21    import;
 22    import jtr.runners.IRunnerWs;
 23    import;
 24    import;
 25    import;
 26    import;
 27    import;
 29    import org.apache.axis.AxisFault;
 30    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
 31    import org.apache.wsif.WSIFException;
 32    import org.apache.wsif.WSIFMessage;
 33    import org.apache.wsif.WSIFOperation;
 34    import org.apache.wsif.WSIFPort;
 35    import org.apache.wsif.WSIFService;
 36    import org.apache.wsif.WSIFServiceFactory;
 37    import org.apache.wsif.util.WSIFUtils;
 38    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
 40    /**
 41    * This is the WSIF-based implementation of the <code>IWsHelper</code>
 42    * interface.<br>
 43    * Application level runner implementations do not need to directly access this
 44    * class. They can access and invoke webservices by means of the methods
 45    * inherited from their superclass, that is the
 46    * <code>jtr.runnersAbstractWsRunner</code> class.
 47    *
 48    * @see
 49    * @author Francesco Russo (
 50    * @version 4.0
 51    * @since 3.0
 52    */
 53    public class WsifHelper implements IWsHelper {
 54    /**
 55    * Default constructor.
 56    */
 57  0 public WsifHelper() {
 58    }
 60    /**
 61    * This method produces the WSIF-based runtime classes required to access
 62    * and invoke the webservices represented by the input
 63    * <code>WebServiceConfig</code> instance.<br>
 64    * This method is invoked once by the <code>AbstractWsRunner</code> class,
 65    * before the <code>test()</code> method of the application-level runner
 66    * implementation is actually invoked.
 67    *
 68    * @param wsCfg
 69    * JTR configuration file derived webservice configuration
 70    * @throws WsProviderException
 71    */
 72  0 public void generateRuntimeConfig(WebServiceConfig wsCfg) throws WsProviderException {
 73  0 wsConfig = wsCfg;
 74  0 logger.debug("Generating runtime config for WSConfig " + wsCfg.getUniqueName());
 75  0 try {
 76  0 wsRtConfig = new WebServiceRtConfig();
 78  0 Definition definition = WSIFUtils.readWSDL(null, wsCfg.getWsdlLocation());
 79  0 logger.debug("Obtained definition...");
 80  0 WSIFServiceFactory serviceFactory = WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance();
 82    // services
 83  0 for (WebServiceService service : wsCfg.getServices()) {
 84  0 WSIFService wsifService = serviceFactory.getService(definition, service.getNameSpace(), service.getName(), service.getPortTypes().iterator().next().getNameSpace(), service.getPortTypes().iterator().next().getName());
 85  0 logger.debug("Got service " + service.getNameSpace() + "-" + service.getName());
 87  0 Iterator iter = wsifService.getAvailablePortNames();
 88  0 logger.debug("Logging available ports...");
 89  0 while (iter.hasNext()) {
 90  0 logger.debug("Available port: " + (String);
 91    }
 93    // perform type mappings
 94  0 for (WebServiceTypeMapping mapping : service.getTypeMappings()) {
 95  0 wsifService.mapType(mapping.getQualifiedName(), mapping.getJavaClass());
 96  0 logger.debug("Mapped QName " + mapping.getQualifiedName().toString() + " to Java class " + mapping.getJavaClassName());
 97    }
 99  0 WebServiceRtService rtService = new WebServiceRtService();
 100  0 rtService.setQualifiedName(new QName(service.getNameSpace(), service.getName()));
 101  0 rtService.setService(wsifService);
 103    // ports
 104  0 for (WebServicePort port : service.getPorts()) {
 105  0 logger.debug("Looking for port " + port.getName());
 106  0 WSIFPort wsifPort = wsifService.getPort(port.getName());
 107  0 logger.debug("Obtained port " + port.getName());
 108  0 WebServiceRtPort rtPort = new WebServiceRtPort();
 109  0 rtPort.setName(port.getName());
 110  0 rtPort.setPort(wsifPort);
 112    // operations
 113  0 for (WebServiceOperation operation : port.getOperations()) {
 114  0 WSIFOperation wsifOperation = wsifPort.createOperation(operation.getName());
 115  0 logger.debug("Obtained operation " + operation.getName());
 116  0 WebServiceRtOperation rtOperation = new WebServiceRtOperation();
 117  0 rtOperation.setName(operation.getName());
 118  0 rtOperation.setOperation(wsifOperation);
 119  0 rtOperation.setInputMsg(wsifOperation.createInputMessage(operation.getInputMsg().getName()));
 120  0 rtOperation.setOutputMsg(wsifOperation.createOutputMessage(operation.getOuputMsg().getName()));
 121  0 rtOperation.setFaultMsg(wsifOperation.createFaultMessage(operation.getFaultMsg().getName()));
 123    // let's add the current operation to the current port
 124  0 rtPort.addOperation(rtOperation.getName(), rtOperation);
 125  0 logger.debug("Added operation " + operation.getName() + " to port " + rtPort.getName());
 126    } // end of operations
 128    // let's add the current port to the current service
 129  0 rtService.addPort(rtPort.getName(), rtPort);
 130  0 logger.debug("Added port " + rtPort.getName() + " to service " + rtService.getQualifiedName());
 131    } // end of ports
 133    // let's add the current service to the current runtime
 134    // configuration
 135  0 wsRtConfig.addService(rtService.getQualifiedName(), rtService);
 136  0 logger.debug("Added service " + rtService.getQualifiedName() + " to WS configuration " + wsCfg.getUniqueName());
 137    } // end of services
 138    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 139  0 String msg = "Caught a WSIF exception: see nested exceptions for further details.";
 140  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg,e);
 141  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 142  0 throw wse;
 143    } catch (WSDLException e) {
 144  0 String msg = "Caught a WSDL exception: see nested exceptions for further details.";
 145  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg,e);
 146  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 147  0 throw wse;
 148    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
 149  0 String msg = "Caught a ClassNotFound exception while performing type mapping.";
 150  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg,e);
 151  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 152  0 throw wse;
 153    }
 154    }
 156  0 public Object invoke(Binding binding, Object input) throws WsProviderException {
 157  0 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 158    }
 160    /**
 161    * @see binding)
 162    */
 163  0 public boolean synchronousInvoke(Binding binding) throws WsProviderException {
 164  0 boolean outcome = false;
 166  0 WebServiceRtService rtService = wsRtConfig.getService(binding.getNameSpace(), binding.getName());
 167  0 if (rtService != null) {
 168  0 WebServiceRtPort rtPort = rtService.getPort(binding.getPortName());
 169  0 if (rtPort != null) {
 170  0 WebServiceRtOperation rtOperation = rtPort.getOperation(binding.getOperationName());
 171  0 if (rtOperation != null) {
 172  0 WSIFOperation wsifOperation = rtOperation.getOperation();
 173  0 try {
 174  0 outcome = wsifOperation.executeRequestResponseOperation(rtOperation.getInputMsg(), rtOperation.getOutputMsg(), rtOperation.getFaultMsg());
 175    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 176  0 String msg = "Caught a WSIF exception: see nested exceptions for further details.";
 177  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg,e);
 178  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 179  0 throw wse;
 180    } catch (Throwable t) {
 181  0 String msg = "Caught an unexpected exception: see nested exceptions for further details.";
 182  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg,t);
 183  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 184  0 throw wse;
 185    } finally {
 186  0 renewOperation(rtPort, binding.getOperationName());
 187    }
 188    } else {
 189    // operation not found
 190  0 String msg = "Unable to find the required operation named: "+binding.getOperationName();
 191  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg);
 192  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 193  0 throw wse;
 194    }
 195    } else {
 196    // port not found
 197  0 String msg = "Unable to find the required port named: "+binding.getPortName();
 198  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg);
 199  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 200  0 throw wse;
 201    }
 202    } else {
 203    // service not found
 204  0 String msg = "Unable to find the required service named: {"+binding.getNameSpace()+"}-"+binding.getName();
 205  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg);
 206  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 207  0 throw wse;
 208    }
 209  0 return outcome;
 210    }
 212    /**
 213    * @see binding)
 214    */
 215  0 public void asynchronousInputOnlyInvoke(Binding binding) throws WsProviderException {
 216  0 WebServiceRtService rtService = wsRtConfig.getService(binding.getNameSpace(), binding.getName());
 217  0 if (rtService != null) {
 218  0 WebServiceRtPort rtPort = rtService.getPort(binding.getPortName());
 219  0 if (rtPort != null) {
 220  0 WebServiceRtOperation rtOperation = rtPort.getOperation(binding.getOperationName());
 221  0 if (rtOperation != null) {
 222  0 WSIFOperation wsifOperation = rtOperation.getOperation();
 223  0 try {
 224  0 wsifOperation.executeInputOnlyOperation(rtOperation.getInputMsg());
 225    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 226  0 String msg = "Caught a WSIF exception: see nested exceptions for further details.";
 227  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg,e);
 228  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 229  0 throw wse;
 230    } catch (Throwable t) {
 231  0 String msg = "Caught an unexpected exception: see nested exceptions for further details.";
 232  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg,t);
 233  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 234  0 throw wse;
 235    } finally {
 236  0 renewOperation(rtPort, binding.getOperationName());
 237    }
 238    } else {
 239    // operation not found
 240  0 String msg = "Unable to find the required operation named: "+binding.getOperationName();
 241  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg);
 242  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 243  0 throw wse;
 244    }
 245    } else {
 246    // port not found
 247  0 String msg = "Unable to find the required port named: "+binding.getOperationName();
 248  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg);
 249  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 250  0 throw wse;
 251    }
 252    } else {
 253    // service not found
 254  0 String msg = "Unable to find the required service named: {"+binding.getNameSpace()+"}-"+binding.getName();
 255  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(msg);
 256  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 257  0 throw wse;
 258    }
 259    }
 261    /**
 262    * This method reinstantiates an operation for subsequent reuse and sets the
 263    * newly created operation into the given <code>WebServiceRtPort</code>.
 264    *
 265    * @param port
 266    * The port the operation to be renewed belongs to
 267    * @param operationName
 268    * The operation name
 269    * @return WSIFOperation The renewed WSIF-based operation
 270    * @throws WSIFException
 271    */
 272  0 protected WSIFOperation renewOperation(WebServiceRtPort port, String operationName) throws WsProviderException {
 273  0 try {
 274  0 WSIFOperation operation = port.getPort().createOperation(operationName);
 275  0 port.getOperation(operationName).setOperation(operation);
 276  0 return operation;
 277    } catch(WSIFException e) {
 278  0 String msg = "Unable to obtain a reference to the operation named "+operationName;
 279  0 logger.fatal(msg,e);
 280  0 throw new WsProviderException(msg,e);
 281    }
 282    }
 284    /**
 285    * This method returns a <code>WSIFMessage</code> instance representing
 286    * the message of type <code>msgType</code> associated with the webservice
 287    * identified by the union of the remaining input parameters.
 288    *
 289    * @param binding
 290    * The webservice-binding to use
 291    * @param msgType
 292    * The message type (input, output, fault)
 293    * @return WSIFMessage
 294    * @see
 295    */
 296  0 protected WSIFMessage getOperationMessage(Binding binding, WsMsgType msgType) {
 297  0 WSIFMessage res = null;
 298  0 WebServiceRtService service = wsRtConfig.getService(binding.getNameSpace(), binding.getName());
 299  0 if (service != null) {
 300  0 WebServiceRtPort port = service.getPort(binding.getPortName());
 301  0 if (port != null) {
 302  0 WebServiceRtOperation operation = port.getOperation(binding.getOperationName());
 303  0 if (operation != null) {
 304  0 switch (msgType) {
 305  0 case INPUT_MSG: {
 306  0 res = operation.getInputMsg();
 307  0 logger.debug("Got input message " + res);
 308  0 break;
 309    }
 310  0 case OUTPUT_MSG: {
 311  0 res = operation.getOutputMsg();
 312  0 logger.debug("Got output message " + res);
 313  0 break;
 314    }
 315  0 case FAULT_MSG: {
 316  0 res = operation.getFaultMsg();
 317  0 logger.debug("Got fault message " + res);
 318  0 break;
 319    }
 320  0 default: {
 321  0 logger.warn("An unexpected message type has been requested: returning null");
 322    }
 323    }
 324    }
 325    }
 326    }
 327  0 return res;
 328    }
 330    /**
 331    * @see
 332    */
 333  0 public String getFaultMessageAsString(Binding binding) {
 334  0 String res = null;
 335  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, WsMsgType.FAULT_MSG);
 336  0 Iterator parts = msg.getParts();
 337  0 while (parts.hasNext()) {
 338  0 Object part =;
 339  0 if (part instanceof AxisFault) {
 340  0 res = "FaultString: " + ((AxisFault) part).getFaultString() + "\nFaultActor: " + ((AxisFault) part).getFaultActor() + "\nFaultCode: " + ((AxisFault) part).getFaultCode()
 341    + "\nFaultNode: " + "\nFaultString " + ((AxisFault) part).getFaultString();
 343  0 Element[] details = ((AxisFault) part).getFaultDetails();
 344  0 for (Element element : details) {
 345  0 res = res + "\nFaultDetail: (Name - Value) " + element.getNodeName() + " - " + element.getNodeValue();
 346    }
 347    }
 348    }
 349  0 return res;
 350    }
 352    /**
 353    * @see
 354    */
 355  0 public Throwable getFaultCause(Binding binding) {
 356  0 Throwable res = null;
 357  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, WsMsgType.FAULT_MSG);
 358  0 Iterator parts = msg.getParts();
 359  0 while (parts.hasNext()) {
 360  0 Object part =;
 361  0 if (part instanceof AxisFault) {
 362  0 res = ((AxisFault) part).getCause();
 363    }
 364    }
 365  0 if (res == null)
 366  0 logger.warn("Attention: there is no available fault cause, returning null");
 367  0 return res;
 368    }
 370    /**
 371    * @throws WsProviderException
 372    * @see,
 373    * java.lang.String,
 374    */
 375  0 public Object getMessageObjectPart(Binding binding, String partName, WsMsgType msgType) throws WsProviderException {
 376  0 Object res = null;
 377  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 378  0 if (msg != null) {
 379  0 try {
 380  0 res = msg.getObjectPart(partName);
 381    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 382  0 String emsg = "Caught a WSIF exception while getting Object part "+partName +" for the following ws-configuration:\n"+
 383    "Service: {"+binding.getNameSpace()+"}"+binding.getName()+"\n"
 384    +"Port: "+binding.getPortName()+"\n"
 385    +"Operation: "+binding.getOperationName()+"\n"
 386    +"See nested exceptions for further details.";
 387  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(emsg,e);
 388  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 389  0 throw wse;
 390    }
 391    }
 392  0 return res;
 393    }
 395    /**
 396    * @throws WsProviderException
 397    * @see,
 398    * java.lang.String,
 399    */
 400  0 public int getMessageIntPart(Binding binding, String partName, WsMsgType msgType) throws WsProviderException {
 401  0 Integer res = null;
 402  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 403  0 if (msg != null) {
 404  0 try {
 405  0 res = msg.getIntPart(partName);
 406    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 407  0 String emsg = "Caught a WSIF exception while getting int part "+partName +" for the following ws-configuration:\n"+
 408    "Service: {"+binding.getNameSpace()+"}"+binding.getName()+"\n"
 409    +"Port: "+binding.getPortName()+"\n"
 410    +"Operation: "+binding.getOperationName()+"\n"
 411    +"See nested exceptions for further details.";
 412  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(emsg,e);
 413  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 414  0 throw wse;
 415    }
 416    }
 417  0 return res;
 418    }
 420    /**
 421    * @throws WsProviderException
 422    * @see,
 423    * java.lang.String,
 424    */
 425  0 public boolean getMessageBooleanPart(Binding binding, String partName, WsMsgType msgType) throws WsProviderException {
 426  0 Boolean res = null;
 427  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 428  0 if (msg != null) {
 429  0 try {
 430  0 res = msg.getBooleanPart(partName);
 431    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 432  0 String emsg = "Caught a WSIF exception while getting boolean part "+partName +" for the following ws-configuration:\n"+
 433    "Service: {"+binding.getNameSpace()+"}"+binding.getName()+"\n"
 434    +"Port: "+binding.getPortName()+"\n"
 435    +"Operation: "+binding.getOperationName()+"\n"
 436    +"See nested exceptions for further details.";
 437  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(emsg,e);
 438  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 439  0 throw wse;
 440    }
 441    }
 442  0 return res;
 443    }
 445    /**
 446    * @throws WsProviderException
 447    * @see,
 448    * java.lang.String,
 449    */
 450  0 public byte getMessageBytePart(Binding binding, String partName, WsMsgType msgType) throws WsProviderException {
 451  0 Byte res = null;
 452  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 453  0 if (msg != null) {
 454  0 try {
 455  0 res = msg.getBytePart(partName);
 456    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 457  0 String emsg = "Caught a WSIF exception while getting byte part "+partName +" for the following ws-configuration:\n"+
 458    "Service: {"+binding.getNameSpace()+"}"+binding.getName()+"\n"
 459    +"Port: "+binding.getPortName()+"\n"
 460    +"Operation: "+binding.getOperationName()+"\n"
 461    +"See nested exceptions for further details.";
 462  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(emsg,e);
 463  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 464  0 throw wse;
 465    }
 466    }
 467  0 return res;
 468    }
 470    /**
 471    * @throws WsProviderException
 472    * @see,
 473    * java.lang.String,
 474    */
 475  0 public char getMessageCharPart(Binding binding, String partName, WsMsgType msgType) throws WsProviderException {
 476  0 Character res = null;
 477  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 478  0 if (msg != null) {
 479  0 try {
 480  0 res = msg.getCharPart(partName);
 481    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 482  0 String emsg = "Caught a WSIF exception while getting char part "+partName +" for the following ws-configuration:\n"+
 483    "Service: {"+binding.getNameSpace()+"}"+binding.getName()+"\n"
 484    +"Port: "+binding.getPortName()+"\n"
 485    +"Operation: "+binding.getOperationName()+"\n"
 486    +"See nested exceptions for further details.";
 487  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(emsg,e);
 488  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 489  0 throw wse;
 490    }
 491    }
 492  0 return res;
 493    }
 495    /**
 496    * @throws WsProviderException
 497    * @see,
 498    * java.lang.String,
 499    */
 500  0 public double getMessageDoublePart(Binding binding, String partName, WsMsgType msgType) throws WsProviderException {
 501  0 Double res = null;
 502  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 503  0 if (msg != null) {
 504  0 try {
 505  0 res = msg.getDoublePart(partName);
 506    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 507  0 String emsg = "Caught a WSIF exception while getting double part "+partName +" for the following ws-configuration:\n"+
 508    "Service: {"+binding.getNameSpace()+"}"+binding.getName()+"\n"
 509    +"Port: "+binding.getPortName()+"\n"
 510    +"Operation: "+binding.getOperationName()+"\n"
 511    +"See nested exceptions for further details.";
 512  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(emsg,e);
 513  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 514  0 throw wse;
 515    }
 516    }
 517  0 return res;
 518    }
 520    /**
 521    * @throws WsProviderException
 522    * @see,
 523    * java.lang.String,
 524    */
 525  0 public float getMessageFloatPart(Binding binding, String partName, WsMsgType msgType) throws WsProviderException {
 526  0 Float res = null;
 527  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 528  0 if (msg != null) {
 529  0 try {
 530  0 res = msg.getFloatPart(partName);
 531    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 532  0 String emsg = "Caught a WSIF exception while getting float part "+partName +" for the following ws-configuration:\n"+
 533    "Service: {"+binding.getNameSpace()+"}"+binding.getName()+"\n"
 534    +"Port: "+binding.getPortName()+"\n"
 535    +"Operation: "+binding.getOperationName()+"\n"
 536    +"See nested exceptions for further details.";
 537  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(emsg,e);
 538  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 539  0 throw wse;
 540    }
 541    }
 542  0 return res;
 543    }
 545    /**
 546    * @throws WsProviderException
 547    * @see,
 548    * java.lang.String,
 549    */
 550  0 public long getMessageLongPart(Binding binding, String partName, WsMsgType msgType) throws WsProviderException {
 551  0 Long res = null;
 552  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 553  0 if (msg != null) {
 554  0 try {
 555  0 res = msg.getLongPart(partName);
 556    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 557  0 String emsg = "Caught a WSIF exception while getting long part "+partName +" for the following ws-configuration:\n"+
 558    "Service: {"+binding.getNameSpace()+"}"+binding.getName()+"\n"
 559    +"Port: "+binding.getPortName()+"\n"
 560    +"Operation: "+binding.getOperationName()+"\n"
 561    +"See nested exceptions for further details.";
 562  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(emsg,e);
 563  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 564  0 throw wse;
 565    }
 566    }
 567  0 return res;
 568    }
 570    /**
 571    * @throws WsProviderException
 572    * @see,
 573    * java.lang.String, java.lang.Object,
 574    */
 575  0 public void setMessageObjectPart(Binding binding, String partName, Object val, WsMsgType msgType) throws WsProviderException {
 576  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 577  0 if (msg != null) {
 578  0 try {
 579  0 msg.setObjectPart(partName, val);
 580    } catch (WSIFException e) {
 581  0 String emsg = "Caught a WSIF exception while setting Object part "+partName +" for the following ws-configuration:\n"+
 582    "Service: {"+binding.getNameSpace()+"}"+binding.getName()+"\n"
 583    +"Port: "+binding.getPortName()+"\n"
 584    +"Operation: "+binding.getOperationName()+"\n"
 585    +"See nested exceptions for further details.";
 586  0 WsProviderException wse = new WsProviderException(emsg,e);
 587  0 logger.error(msg,wse);
 588  0 throw wse;
 589    }
 590    }
 591    }
 593    /**
 594    * @see, String, int,
 595    */
 596  0 public void setMessageIntPart(Binding binding, String partName, int val, WsMsgType msgType) {
 597  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 598  0 if (msg != null) {
 599  0 msg.setIntPart(partName, val);
 600    }
 601    }
 603    /**
 604    * @see, String, boolean,
 605    */
 606  0 public void setMessageBooleanPart(Binding binding, String partName, boolean val, WsMsgType msgType) {
 607  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 608  0 if (msg != null) {
 609  0 msg.setBooleanPart(partName, val);
 610    }
 611    }
 613    /**
 614    * @see,
 615    * java.lang.String, byte,
 616    */
 617  0 public void setMessageBytePart(Binding binding, String partName, byte val, WsMsgType msgType) {
 618  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 619  0 if (msg != null) {
 620  0 msg.setBytePart(partName, val);
 621    }
 622    }
 624    /**
 625    * @see,
 626    * java.lang.String, char,
 627    */
 628  0 public void setMessageCharPart(Binding binding, String partName, char val, WsMsgType msgType) {
 629  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 630  0 if (msg != null) {
 631  0 msg.setCharPart(partName, val);
 632    }
 633    }
 635    /**
 636    * @see,
 637    * java.lang.String, double,
 638    */
 639  0 public void setMessageDoublePart(Binding binding, String partName, double val, WsMsgType msgType) {
 640  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 641  0 if (msg != null) {
 642  0 msg.setDoublePart(partName, val);
 643    }
 644    }
 646    /**
 647    * @see,
 648    * java.lang.String, float,
 649    */
 650  0 public void setMessageFloatPart(Binding binding, String partName, float val, WsMsgType msgType) {
 651  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 652  0 if (msg != null) {
 653  0 msg.setFloatPart(partName, val);
 654    }
 655    }
 657    /**
 658    * @see,
 659    * java.lang.String, long,
 660    */
 661  0 public void setMessageLongPart(Binding binding, String partName, long val, WsMsgType msgType) {
 662  0 WSIFMessage msg = getOperationMessage(binding, msgType);
 663  0 if (msg != null) {
 664  0 msg.setLongPart(partName, val);
 665    }
 666    }
 668    /**
 669    * @see, WsMsgType)
 670    */
 671  0 public String[] getMessageParts(Binding binding, WsMsgType msgType) {
 672  0 String[] res = null;
 673  0 switch (msgType) {
 674  0 case INPUT_MSG : {
 675  0 res = wsConfig.getService(binding.getNameSpace(), binding.getName()).getPort(binding.getPortName()).getOperation(binding.getOperationName()).getInputMsg().getPartNames();
 676  0 break;
 677    }
 678  0 case FAULT_MSG : {
 679  0 res = wsConfig.getService(binding.getNameSpace(), binding.getName()).getPort(binding.getPortName()).getOperation(binding.getOperationName()).getFaultMsg().getPartNames();
 680  0 break;
 681    }
 682  0 case OUTPUT_MSG : {
 683  0 res = wsConfig.getService(binding.getNameSpace(), binding.getName()).getPort(binding.getPortName()).getOperation(binding.getOperationName()).getOuputMsg().getPartNames();
 684  0 break;
 685    }
 686    }
 687  0 return res;
 688    }
 690    // Accessor methods to implementation-specific attributes
 691    // NOTE: the following methods are not part of the IWsHelper JTR interface
 693    /**
 694    * This method does not belong to the <code>IWsHelper</code> interface. It
 695    * might be useful for accessing webservice-implementation specific
 696    * functionalities not directly exposed by the JTR framework.
 697    *
 698    * @return WebServiceRtConfig The current runtime WSIF-based webservice
 699    * configuration or <code>null</code> if not available
 700    */
 701  0 public WebServiceRtConfig getWsRtConfig() {
 702  0 return wsRtConfig;
 703    }
 705  0 public void invokeOneWay(Binding binding, Object input) throws WsProviderException {
 706    }
 708  0 public Future<?> invokeAsync(Binding binding, Object input, IWsResponseListener rl) throws WsProviderException {
 709  0 return null;
 710    }
 712  0 public IWsResponse invokeAsync(Binding binding, Object input) throws WsProviderException {
 713  0 return null;
 714    }
 716    protected WebServiceRtConfig wsRtConfig;
 717    protected WebServiceConfig wsConfig;
 719    protected Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WsifHelper.class);
 721  0 public Object invoke(IRunnerWs runner, Binding binding, Object input) throws WsProviderException {
 722  0 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet. Use JaxEsHelperFactory instead.");
 723    }
 725  0 public void invokeOneWay(IRunnerWs runner, Binding binding, Object input) throws WsProviderException {
 726  0 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet. Use JaxEsHelperFactory instead.");
 727    }
 729  0 public Future<?> invokeAsync(IRunnerWs runner, Binding binding, Object input, IWsResponseListener rl) throws WsProviderException {
 730  0 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet. Use JaxEsHelperFactory instead.");
 731    }
 733  0 public IWsResponse invokeAsync(IRunnerWs runner, Binding binding, Object input) throws WsProviderException {
 734  0 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet. Use JaxEsHelperFactory instead.");
 735    }
 736    }