JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Class

Packages that use JMSSession
jtr.config.jms In this package are located those classes used to provide an object-oriented representation of the JMS Configuration Section of a jtr.xml file. 

Uses of JMSSession in jtr.config.jms

Methods in jtr.config.jms that return types with arguments of type JMSSession
 java.util.Collection<JMSSession> JMSConnection.getSessions()
          Returns all the configured sessions.

Methods in jtr.config.jms with parameters of type JMSSession
 void JMSConnection.addSession(JMSSession session)
          Every connection can have multiple sessions.
static boolean JMSSession.isGenericSession(JMSSession jmsSession)
          States whether the given JMSSession is a generic session or not
static boolean JMSSession.isQueueSession(JMSSession jmsSession)
          States whether the given JMSSession is a queue session or not
static boolean JMSSession.isTopicSession(JMSSession jmsSession)
          States whether the given JMSSession is a topic session or not
static boolean JMSSession.isXaQueueSession(JMSSession jmsSession)
          States whether the given JMSSession is an XAQueue session or not
static boolean JMSSession.isXaSession(JMSSession jmsSession)
          States whether the given JMSSession is an XA session or not
static boolean JMSSession.isXaTopicSession(JMSSession jmsSession)
          States whether the given JMSSession is an XATopic session or not

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