JTR 5.0 API Documentation
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AboutFrame - Class in jtr.ui.swing
Frame for showing general information about the JTR project.
AboutFrame() - Constructor for class jtr.ui.swing.AboutFrame
Creates new form AboutFrame
AbstractJMSRunner - Class in jtr.runners
This abstract runner has to be the base class of all the application-level runners willing to leverage on the JTR runtime for the dynamic injection of JMS administered objects defined in the jtr.xml configuration file.
AbstractJMSRunner() - Constructor for class jtr.runners.AbstractJMSRunner
AbstractParamsAssigner - Class in jtr.assigner.impl
This class is the base class for all the concrete IParamsAssigner implementations.
AbstractParamsAssigner() - Constructor for class jtr.assigner.impl.AbstractParamsAssigner
AbstractRunner - Class in jtr.runners
This is the base class every application level runner should extend.
AbstractRunner() - Constructor for class jtr.runners.AbstractRunner
AbstractRunnerAncestor - Class in jtr.runners
This base abstract class is the ancestor common to every JTR abstract runner.
AbstractRunnerAncestor() - Constructor for class jtr.runners.AbstractRunnerAncestor
AbstractScriptEngine - Class in jtr.script.impl
Base abstract script engine useful for writing new ones.
AbstractScriptEngine() - Constructor for class jtr.script.impl.AbstractScriptEngine
AbstractScriptEngine.StructuredScript - Class in jtr.script.impl
Utility class for reorganizing scripts in two main sections: imports body
AbstractScriptEngine.StructuredScript(StringBuilder, StringBuilder) - Constructor for class jtr.script.impl.AbstractScriptEngine.StructuredScript
AbstractWsRunner - Class in jtr.runners
This abstract class is the base class every application-level IRunner implementation should extend when the ability to access webservices is required.
This class provides facilities for invoking webservices according to what has been specified in the jtr.xml configuration file.
AbstractWsRunner() - Constructor for class jtr.runners.AbstractWsRunner
Default constructor.
ACTIVE_NODE_MAIN_CLASS - Static variable in class jtr.ant.JtrRun
add(IRunnerParameterized) - Method in class jtr.pool.RunnerPool
Adds an IRunnerParameterized to the current pool.
addAll(IRunnerParameterized[]) - Method in class jtr.pool.RunnerPool
Adds a set of IRunnerParameterized to the current pool.
addAll(TestOutcomeTable) - Method in class jtr.test.TestOutcomeTable
addBinding(Binding) - Method in class jtr.config.ws.Bindings
Add a single Binding.
addConnection(JMSConnection) - Method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSConnectionFactory
Add a connection to the set of Connections that should be instantiated using the current ConnectionFactory.
addConnectionFactory(JMSConnectionFactory) - Method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSFactories
Add a new JMSConnectionFactory to the current configuration.
addDistributionError(DistributionError) - Method in class jtr.test.TestOutcomeTable
addEnterprise(EnterpriseConfig) - Method in class jtr.config.TestConfig
Adds an EnterpriseConfig configuration element to the current JTR test configuration.
addEnterpriseProperty(EnterpriseProperty) - Method in class jtr.config.enterprise.EnterpriseConfig
Adds a new EnterpriseProperty to the current EnterpriseConfig
addFactory(Factory) - Method in class jtr.config.Factories
addInput(Input) - Method in class jtr.config.script.Inputs
Add an input parameter to the container.
addJmsConfig(JMSConfig) - Method in class jtr.config.TestConfig
Add a JMS configuration to the current jtr-test configuration.
addLScript(LScript) - Method in class jtr.config.script.LScripts
Add the provided library-script to this container.
addMessage(String) - Method in class jtr.runners.AbstractRunnerAncestor
This method allows the straight addition of a user-message to the outcome of each run.
addNode(Node) - Method in class jtr.config.remote.Nodes
addNode(NodeInfo) - Method in class jtr.test.impl.HeadlessTestCompletionListener
Adds a JTR-node to the set of nodes from which results are expected.
addNode(NodeInfo) - Method in interface jtr.test.ITestCompletionListener
Adds a JTR-node to the set of nodes from which results are expected.
addOperation(WebServiceOperation) - Method in class jtr.config.ws.WebServicePort
Add a single operation to the set of configured ones.
addParameter(RunnerConfigParam) - Method in class jtr.config.ParametersMap
Adds a new parameter to the set.
addParameterSet(ParametersMap) - Method in class jtr.config.RunnerConfig
Adds a new ParametersMap to the set of currently available ParameterMaps
addPort(WebServicePort) - Method in class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceService
Add a single port to the set of configured ones.
addPortType(WebServicePortType) - Method in class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceService
Add a single port type the the set of configured ones.
addPScript(PScript) - Method in class jtr.config.script.PScripts
Add a parameterization-script to this container.
addQueue(String, String) - Method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSConfig
Add a queue to the set of queues available with this JMS configuration
addRunner(RunnerConfig) - Method in class jtr.config.TestConfig
This method adds an IRunner runtime configuration to the current JTR test configuration.
addScriptParameter(ScriptParam) - Method in class jtr.config.script.ScriptParams
Add a new actual parameter definition.
addService(WebServiceService) - Method in class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceConfig
Add a webservice definition to the current configuration.
addSession(JMSSession) - Method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSConnection
Every connection can have multiple sessions.
addTopic(String, String) - Method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSConfig
Add a topic to the set of topics available with this JMS configuration
addTypeMapping(QName, WebServiceTypeMapping) - Method in class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceService
Add a single type mapping to the current service specification.
addTypeMapping(String, String, String) - Method in class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceService
Add a single type mapping to the current service specification.
addTypeMapping(QName, String) - Method in class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceService
Add a single type mapping to the current service specification.
addTypeMapping(WebServiceTypeMapping) - Method in class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceService
Add a single type mapping to the current service specification.
addWebService(WebServiceConfig) - Method in class jtr.config.TestConfig
AdministeredObjectsLocator - Class in jtr.jms
This static class exposes methods useful for retrieving JMS administered objects.
They include:
AdministeredObjectsLocator() - Constructor for class jtr.jms.AdministeredObjectsLocator
afterTest() - Method in class jtr.runners.AbstractRunnerAncestor
afterTest() - Method in interface jtr.runners.IRunnerPooled
ASCENDING - Static variable in class jtr.ui.swing.TableSorter
assign(IRunnerClean[], RunnerConfig) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.CyclicParamsAssigner
Assing to the provided cRunners the parameters defined in the first parameter-set obtainable from the given runnerConfig.
assign(IRunnerClean[], RunnerConfig) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.IndexedParamsAssigner
Performs the assignment of the i-th mod(n) parameter-set to the cRunners[i].
assign(IRunnerClean[], RunnerConfig) - Method in interface jtr.assigner.IParamsAssigner
Performs the parameterization task over the array of IRunnerClean provided as input, using the given RunnerConfig.
assignEnterpriseCfg(HashMap, RunnerConfig, ParametersMap) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.AbstractParamsAssigner
This method loads into the provided map the ENTERPRISE configuration to be assigned to the provided runner implementation using StdParameters.ENTERPRISE as a key.
assignJmsCfg(HashMap, RunnerConfig, ParametersMap) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.AbstractParamsAssigner
This method loads into the provided map the JMS configuration to be assigned to the provided runner implementation using StdParameters.JMS as a key.
assignParameter(IRunnerClean, RunnerConfigParam, Object) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.AbstractParamsAssigner
This method allows the assignment of the provided val instance to the param property of the specified cRunner instance.
assignRuns(HashMap, RunnerConfig, ParametersMap) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.AbstractParamsAssigner
This method loads into the provided map the RUNS value to be assigned to the provided runner implementation using StdParameters.RUN as a key.
assignSleepTime(HashMap, RunnerConfig, ParametersMap) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.AbstractParamsAssigner
This method loads into the provided map the SLEEP_TIME value to be assigned to the provided runner implementation using StdParameters.SLEEP_TIME as a key.
assignWebservice(HashMap, RunnerConfig, ParametersMap) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.AbstractParamsAssigner
This method loads into the provided map the WEBSERVICE configuration to be assigned to the provided runner implementation using StdParameters.WEBSERVICE as a key.
assingBinding(HashMap, RunnerConfig, ParametersMap) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.AbstractParamsAssigner
This method loads into the provided map the BINDING configuration to be assigned to the provided runner implementation using StdParameters.BINDING as a key.
asString() - Static method in enum jtr.lang.functions.StatFunctions
Returns a String representation of all the built-in supported statistical functions.

The JTR Project is licensed under GPL version 2
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