JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Package jtr.config

Here reside all the basic classes used to compose the object-oriented representation of a jtr.xml configuration file.


Class Summary
ConfigDeserializer This class is in charge of deserializing the content of the jtr.xml JTR configuration file into an object oriented representation: the TestConfig.
Factories This class represents a set of factories configured in a jtr.xml configuration file.
Factory This class represetns a factory element of a jtr.xml configuration file.
JtrSaxErrorHandler This is the JTR custom handler for SAX exceptions generated while deserializing the content of the jtr.xml configuration file at startup.
ParametersMap A ParametersMap is a set of RunnerConfigParam instances.
RegisteredFactories This class is in charge of registering into the JTR runtime configuration all those JTR pluggable component factories.
RunnerConfig Instances of this class represent configurations associated with specific IRunner implementation classes.
A RunnerConfig instance typically contains information such as the FQN of the associated IRunner concrete class, the number of instances that have to be created by the JTR framework, and the set of parameters to be assigned to runners at runtime along with the desired assignment policy.
RunnerConfigParam A single RunnerConfigParam defines one single parameter name-value pair, to be used by the adopted IParamsAssigner for correctly assigning parameters to the configured IRunner.
StdParameters This class simply provides the set of Strings representing the JTR standard parameters required by each IRunner at runtime.
TestConfig This class represents in an object oriented way the jtr.xml configuration file's content, thus contains all the information related to a JTR test configuration.

Enum Summary
RunnerConfigParam.ParamType Types of supported runner-parameters type.

Exception Summary
MissingFactoryException This exception is thrown whenever a required factory cannot be found.
RegistrationFailedException This exception is thrown whenever a RegisteredFactory instance fails to register a new factory class.

Package jtr.config Description

Here reside all the basic classes used to compose the object-oriented representation of a jtr.xml configuration file. More classes are located in the following subpackages, organized according to their meaning and purpose:

1. jtr.config.enterprise
2. jtr.config.jms
3. jtr.config.remote
4. jtr.config.ws

Francesco Russo

The JTR Project is licensed under GPL version 2