JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Class

Packages that use LocatorException
jtr.enterprise This packages contains helper classes for performing lookup of JEE resources. 
jtr.jms This package contains helper classes for performing JMS-related tasks. 
jtr.remote.utils This package contains utility classes for performing various RMI-based tasks. 

Uses of LocatorException in jtr.enterprise

Methods in jtr.enterprise that throw LocatorException
<T> T
ServiceLocator.getEJBObject(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.Class clazz, EnterpriseConfig environment)
          This method takes care of looking up the EJB registered under the ejbName input parameter, of narrowing it to the desired home class, and finally invokes the create on that home instance.
<T> T
ServiceLocator.getEJBObject(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.Class clazz, java.util.Hashtable environment)

Uses of LocatorException in jtr.jms

Methods in jtr.jms that throw LocatorException
static javax.jms.ConnectionFactory AdministeredObjectsLocator.getConnectionFactory(java.lang.String jndiName, java.util.Hashtable environment)
          Retrieves a ConnectionFactory using the provided JNDI name.
The initial context is created according to the input environment: it represents the set of properties specified into the enterprise element of the jtr.xml configuration file the current IRunner concrete implementation refers to.
Note: this method returns ConnectionFactory instances, so you should cast them to whatever you might actually need (QueueConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory).
static javax.jms.Destination AdministeredObjectsLocator.getDestination(java.lang.String jndiName, java.util.Hashtable environment)
          Retrieves a Destination using the provided JNDI name.
The initial context is created according to the input environment: it represents the set of properties specified into the enterprise element of the jtr.xml configuration file the current IRunner concrete implementation refers to.
Note: this method returns Destination instances, so you should cast them to whatever you might actually need (Queue, Topic).
protected static void JMSHelper.injectConnectionFactories(IRunner target, JMSConfig jmsConfig)
protected static void JMSHelper.injectQueues(IRunner target, JMSConfig jmsConfig)
protected static void JMSHelper.injectTopics(IRunner target, JMSConfig jmsConfig)

Uses of LocatorException in jtr.remote.utils

Methods in jtr.remote.utils that throw LocatorException
static java.rmi.Remote RmiUtil.lookupServer(NodeInfo jtrNode)
          Utility method for performing server look-up.

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