JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IScriptContext
jtr.script This package contains the main interfaces that must be implemented by both built-in and user-defined bindings to scripting-engines that should be used to run scripts meant for assigning parameters to runners. 
jtr.script.impl This package contains the implementations of the built-in bindings to scripting-engines that can be used to run scripts meant for assigning parameters to runners. 

Uses of IScriptContext in jtr.script

Classes in jtr.script that implement IScriptContext
 class ScriptContext
          This class represents the default context accessible from every script via the global.jtrContext keyword.

Methods in jtr.script with parameters of type IScriptContext
 java.lang.Object IScriptEngine.execute(java.lang.String scriptUID, ScriptParams actualParams, IScriptContext ctx)
          Executes the script identified by the scripUID with the give actualParams parameters and the given ctx context.

Uses of IScriptContext in jtr.script.impl

Methods in jtr.script.impl with parameters of type IScriptContext
 java.lang.Object BshScriptEngine.execute(java.lang.String scriptUID, ScriptParams actualParams, IScriptContext ctx)
          Executes the given script.
 java.lang.Object GroovyScriptEngine.execute(java.lang.String scriptUID, ScriptParams actualParams, IScriptContext ctx)
          Executes the given script.

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