JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Package jtr.ui.swing

The default Swing-based JTR user-interface.


Class Summary
AboutFrame Frame for showing general information about the JTR project.
BriefingFrame Frame for showing a briefing of the last run test.
IconImageProvider This class provides the icon image for JTR frames.
RunDetailMessageFrame Frame for showing the detail explaination of an error occurred during the execution of a test.
TableSorter TableSorter is a decorator for TableModels; adding sorting functionality to a supplied TableModel.
TestResultFrame Frame that shows the results of a test organized by JTR-nodes, runner-categories and instances.
TestRunningFrame This UI components keeps the user up to date on the actual progress of the test sessions.

Package jtr.ui.swing Description

The default Swing-based JTR user-interface.

Note: classes defined here are not meant for direct use by developers

Francesco Russo

The JTR Project is licensed under GPL version 2