JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IWsHelper
jtr.ws Here we have all the contracts that define the interaction between the JTR runtime and those components in charge of supporting user-defined runners in webservices invocation. 
jtr.ws.jaxws Default JAX-WS 2.1.1 based implementation of the contracts defined in jtr.ws

Uses of IWsHelper in jtr.ws

Methods in jtr.ws that return IWsHelper
 IWsHelper IWsHelperFactory.getInstance()
          Get a new instance of the concrete IWsHelper implementation associated with the configured IWsHelperFactory class.

Uses of IWsHelper in jtr.ws.jaxws

Classes in jtr.ws.jaxws that implement IWsHelper
 class JaxWsHelper
          Implementation of the IWsHelper contract, based on the JAX-WS 2.1 API and the JAXB 2.1 API.

Methods in jtr.ws.jaxws that return IWsHelper
 IWsHelper JaxWsHelperFactory.getInstance()

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