JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IFactory
jtr.assigner This package contains all the interfaces defining the contract standing amongst the JTR runtime and those concrete components in charge of implementing parameters assignment strategies as described in the users' guide available starting form here
jtr.assigner.impl Default implementations of the contracts defined in the jtr.assigner package. 
jtr.config Here reside all the basic classes used to compose the object-oriented representation of a jtr.xml configuration file. 
jtr.lang.functions This package contains the main interfaces that must be implemented by both built-in and user-defined functions that should be used to assign values to runner parameters. 
jtr.lang.functions.impl This package contains the default implementation of the built-in statistical functions shipped with JTR. 
jtr.script This package contains the main interfaces that must be implemented by both built-in and user-defined bindings to scripting-engines that should be used to run scripts meant for assigning parameters to runners. 
jtr.script.impl This package contains the implementations of the built-in bindings to scripting-engines that can be used to run scripts meant for assigning parameters to runners. 
jtr.test This package contains all those classes and interfaces in charge of managing the execution of JTR Test Sessions.
Beside this, this package brings a set of interfaces that model the way an outcome is defined in the JTR Project, and other contracts that must be implemented by those components in charge of showing the test results to the end user upon completion. 
jtr.test.impl Default implementations of the interfaces defined in the jtr.test package. 
jtr.test.results.exporters This package contains defines the contract that components in charge of exporting test results to any particular format must adhere to in order to be able to interact with other JTR components. 
jtr.test.results.exporters.impl This package contains default implementation(s) of the contracts defined by interfaces located in jtr.test.results.exporters
jtr.ws.jaxws Default JAX-WS 2.1.1 based implementation of the contracts defined in jtr.ws

Uses of IFactory in jtr.assigner

Subinterfaces of IFactory in jtr.assigner
 interface IAssignmentPolicyFactory
          This interface defines the contract between JTR and those concrete classes in charge of instantiating objects meant for managing the assignment of parameters to IRunners instances.

Uses of IFactory in jtr.assigner.impl

Classes in jtr.assigner.impl that implement IFactory
 class DefaultAssignmentPolicyFactory
          This is the default factory used for obtaining instances of IAssignmentPolicy.
Once an IAssignmentPolicy concrete instance has been obtained, the actual IParamsAssigner can be instantiated.

Uses of IFactory in jtr.config

Methods in jtr.config that return IFactory
static IFactory RegisteredFactories.getFactory(java.lang.String key)
          Returns the factory identified by the given key or null should the factory be unregistered.

Methods in jtr.config with parameters of type IFactory
static void RegisteredFactories.registerFactory(java.lang.String key, IFactory instance)
          This method allow to register a new factory providing its instance rather than its FQN.

Uses of IFactory in jtr.lang.functions

Subinterfaces of IFactory in jtr.lang.functions
 interface IStatFunctionsFactory
          This interface must be implemented by concrete IStatFunction factory-classes.

Uses of IFactory in jtr.lang.functions.impl

Classes in jtr.lang.functions.impl that implement IFactory
 class DefaultStatFunctionsFactory
          Factory class for returning concrete IStatFunction instances.

Uses of IFactory in jtr.script

Subinterfaces of IFactory in jtr.script
 interface IScriptEngine
          This is the contract every JTR-enabled script-engine has to adhere to.

Uses of IFactory in jtr.script.impl

Classes in jtr.script.impl that implement IFactory
 class AbstractScriptEngine
          Base abstract script engine useful for writing new ones.
 class BshScriptEngine
          BeanShell-based script-engine adptor for the JTR runtime.
 class GroovyScriptEngine
          Groovy-based script-engine for the JTR runtime.

Uses of IFactory in jtr.test

Subinterfaces of IFactory in jtr.test
 interface IOutcomeFactory<T extends IOutcome>
          This interface has to be implemented along with the IOutcome interface for providing a custom implementation of a JTRunner outcome.
 interface ITestCompletionListener
          This interface defines the basic behavior of those classes meant for receiving notification upon both local and remote tests completions.
 interface ITestResultDisplayer
          This interface has to be implemented in order to customize the way test results are showed at the end of the session.

Uses of IFactory in jtr.test.impl

Classes in jtr.test.impl that implement IFactory
 class DefaultOutcomeFactory
          Default implementation of the IOutcomeFactory interface.
 class DefaultTestCompletionListener
          Default implementation of the ITestCompletionListener contract.
 class DefaultTestResultDisplayer
          Default implementation of the ITestResultDisplayer meant for printing to the standard output the results collected form all the JTR-nodes involved in the test.
 class HeadlessTestCompletionListener
 class HeadlessTestResultDisplayer

Uses of IFactory in jtr.test.results.exporters

Subinterfaces of IFactory in jtr.test.results.exporters
 interface ITestResultsExporter
          This interface defines the behaviour of JTR components in charge of exporting a JTR test result to an external format.

Uses of IFactory in jtr.test.results.exporters.impl

Classes in jtr.test.results.exporters.impl that implement IFactory
 class ExcelExporter
          Implementation of the ITestResultExporter interface able to export JTR test results in Excel format.

Uses of IFactory in jtr.ws.jaxws

Classes in jtr.ws.jaxws that implement IFactory
 class JaxWsHelperFactory
          Factory for instantiating new JAX-WS-based IWsHelpers.

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