JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IStatFunction
jtr.lang.functions This package contains the main interfaces that must be implemented by both built-in and user-defined functions that should be used to assign values to runner parameters. 
jtr.lang.functions.impl This package contains the default implementation of the built-in statistical functions shipped with JTR. 
jtr.runners This package defines the hierarchy of interfaces that shape the interaction between user-defined runners and the JTR runtime. 

Uses of IStatFunction in jtr.lang.functions

Methods in jtr.lang.functions that return IStatFunction
 IStatFunction IStatFunctionsFactory.getFunction(java.lang.String functionCall)
          Returns the appropriate IStatFunction instance according to the given functionCall.

Uses of IStatFunction in jtr.lang.functions.impl

Classes in jtr.lang.functions.impl that implement IStatFunction
 class Exponential
          Implementation of the exponential distribution.
 class Gaussian
          Implementation of the Gaussian distribution.
 class Poissonian
          Implementation of the Poissonian distribution.
 class UniformDouble
          Implementation of the uniform-double distribution.
 class UniformInt
          Implementation of the uniform-int distribution.
 class UniformLong
          Implementation of the uniform-long distribution.

Methods in jtr.lang.functions.impl that return IStatFunction
 IStatFunction DefaultStatFunctionsFactory.getFunction(java.lang.String functionCall)
          Returns the appropriate IStatFunction instance according to the given functionCall.

Uses of IStatFunction in jtr.runners

Methods in jtr.runners that return IStatFunction
 IStatFunction AbstractRunnerAncestor.getStatFunction(java.lang.String paramName)
          Returns the reference to the IStatFunction implementation associated with the parameter named paramName, if present, otherwies null is returned.
 IStatFunction IRunnerClean.getStatFunction(java.lang.String paramName)
          Returns the reference to the IStatFunction implementation associated with the parameter named paramName, if present, otherwies null is returned.

Methods in jtr.runners with parameters of type IStatFunction
 void AbstractRunnerAncestor.setStatFunction(java.lang.String paramName, IStatFunction f)
          Sets the reference to the IStatFunction implementation associated with the parameter named paramName.
 void IRunnerClean.setStatFunction(java.lang.String paramName, IStatFunction f)
          Sets the reference to the IStatFunction implementation associated with the parameter named paramName.

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