JTR 5.0 API Documentation | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
IRunner | This interface represents a runner in its RUNNING state.All the states in which a java.lang.Thread might be are now
reachable from this state. |
IRunnerClean | This interface represents a runner in its CLEAN state. |
IRunnerJMS | This interface defines all the set-up methods an IRunner meant for dealing with the JMS API has to expose. |
IRunnerParameterized | This interface represents runners in the PARAMETERIZED state.Each runner in such a state is already assigneable to a pool but it is not actually belonging to any pool. The next allowed state is POOLED . |
IRunnerPooled | This interface describes a runner in its POOLED state.Thus the runner is finally elegible for leaving the pool and running according to the provided configuration. |
IRunnerWs | This interface defines those methods required to inject into
an IRunner concrete implementation the configuration
required to access and invoke a webservice. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractJMSRunner | This abstract runner has to be the base class of all the application-level
runners willing to leverage on the JTR runtime for the dynamic injection of
JMS administered objects defined in the jtr.xml configuration
file. |
AbstractRunner | This is the base class every application level runner should extend. |
AbstractRunnerAncestor | This base abstract class is the ancestor common to every JTR abstract runner. |
AbstractWsRunner | This abstract class is the base class every application-level IRunner implementation
should extend when the ability to access webservices is required.This class provides facilities for invoking webservices according to what has been specified in the jtr.xml configuration file. |
JUnitFacadeRunner | |
RunnerCreator | This class is in charge of instantiating runners. |
Exception Summary | |
IRunnerCreationException | This exception is thrown by the RunnerCreator should it be
impossible to instantiate the required runner. |
JUnitFacadeRunner.JUnitFacadeRunnerException | |
NotSerializableErrorException | This exception is used by the JTR runtime whenever a caught exception is not serializable and thus could not be sent over the network from a JTR "naked" node to a JTR "controller" node in a distributed scenario. |
This package defines the hierarchy of interfaces that shape the interaction
between user-defined runners and the JTR runtime. Beside this basic abstract
classes to inherit from are also defined here.
Every abstract base runner inherits from AbstractRunnerAncestor
User-defined runners must inherit from one of the following abstract classes:
1. jtr.runners.AbstractRunner
if interested in testing JSE components or
JEE SessionBeans
2. jtr.runners.AbstractJMSRunner
if interested in testing JMS-based systems
3. jtr.runners.AbstractWsRunner
if interested int testing web-services
The JTR Project is licensed under GPL version 2 | |||||||||