JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IRunnerParameterized
jtr.assigner This package contains all the interfaces defining the contract standing amongst the JTR runtime and those concrete components in charge of implementing parameters assignment strategies as described in the users' guide available starting form here
jtr.assigner.impl Default implementations of the contracts defined in the jtr.assigner package. 
jtr.pool This packages contains internal classes required by the JTR runtime. 
jtr.remote.test This package contains specializations to classes/contracts defined in jtr.test, required to enable JTR Distributed Testing sessions. 
jtr.runners This package defines the hierarchy of interfaces that shape the interaction between user-defined runners and the JTR runtime. 
jtr.test This package contains all those classes and interfaces in charge of managing the execution of JTR Test Sessions.
Beside this, this package brings a set of interfaces that model the way an outcome is defined in the JTR Project, and other contracts that must be implemented by those components in charge of showing the test results to the end user upon completion. 

Uses of IRunnerParameterized in jtr.assigner

Methods in jtr.assigner that return IRunnerParameterized
 IRunnerParameterized[] IParamsAssigner.assign(IRunnerClean[] cRunners, RunnerConfig runnerConfig)
          Performs the parameterization task over the array of IRunnerClean provided as input, using the given RunnerConfig.
 IRunnerParameterized IParamsAssigner.backToFirstAssignment(IRunnerClean cRunner)
          Brings the runner provided has parameter back to its first assignment.
 IRunnerParameterized IParamsAssigner.reAssign(IRunnerClean cRunner)
          Performs the re-assignment.

Uses of IRunnerParameterized in jtr.assigner.impl

Methods in jtr.assigner.impl that return IRunnerParameterized
 IRunnerParameterized[] CyclicParamsAssigner.assign(IRunnerClean[] cRunners, RunnerConfig runnerConfig)
          Assing to the provided cRunners the parameters defined in the first parameter-set obtainable from the given runnerConfig.
 IRunnerParameterized[] IndexedParamsAssigner.assign(IRunnerClean[] cRunners, RunnerConfig runnerConfig)
          Performs the assignment of the i-th mod(n) parameter-set to the cRunners[i].
 IRunnerParameterized CyclicParamsAssigner.backToFirstAssignment(IRunnerClean cRunner)
          Brings the provided runner back to its first state.
 IRunnerParameterized IndexedParamsAssigner.backToFirstAssignment(IRunnerClean cRunner)
          Routes to IndexedParamsAssigner.reAssign(jtr.runners.IRunnerClean).
 IRunnerParameterized CyclicParamsAssigner.reAssign(IRunnerClean cRunner)
          Perform every assignment subsequent to the first one using the RunnerConfig provided to the assign method.
 IRunnerParameterized IndexedParamsAssigner.reAssign(IRunnerClean cRunner)
          Reassigns the given runner instance cRunner with the associated parameters.

Uses of IRunnerParameterized in jtr.pool

Methods in jtr.pool with parameters of type IRunnerParameterized
 IRunnerPooled RunnerPool.add(IRunnerParameterized runner)
          Adds an IRunnerParameterized to the current pool.
 IRunnerPooled[] RunnerPool.addAll(IRunnerParameterized[] runners)
          Adds a set of IRunnerParameterized to the current pool.
 void IPoolManager.backIntoPool(IRunnerParameterized pRunner)
          Puts the provided IRunnerParameterized back into the pool.

Uses of IRunnerParameterized in jtr.remote.test

Methods in jtr.remote.test with parameters of type IRunnerParameterized
 void RemoteTestRunManager.backIntoPool(IRunnerParameterized pRunner)

Uses of IRunnerParameterized in jtr.runners

Subinterfaces of IRunnerParameterized in jtr.runners
 interface IRunner
          This interface represents a runner in its RUNNING state.
All the states in which a java.lang.Thread might be are now reachable from this state.
 interface IRunnerJMS
          This interface defines all the set-up methods an IRunner meant for dealing with the JMS API has to expose.
 interface IRunnerPooled
          This interface describes a runner in its POOLED state.
Thus the runner is finally elegible for leaving the pool and running according to the provided configuration.
 interface IRunnerWs
          This interface defines those methods required to inject into an IRunner concrete implementation the configuration required to access and invoke a webservice.

Classes in jtr.runners that implement IRunnerParameterized
 class AbstractJMSRunner
          This abstract runner has to be the base class of all the application-level runners willing to leverage on the JTR runtime for the dynamic injection of JMS administered objects defined in the jtr.xml configuration file.
 class AbstractRunner
          This is the base class every application level runner should extend.
 class AbstractRunnerAncestor
          This base abstract class is the ancestor common to every JTR abstract runner.
 class AbstractWsRunner
          This abstract class is the base class every application-level IRunner implementation should extend when the ability to access webservices is required.
This class provides facilities for invoking webservices according to what has been specified in the jtr.xml configuration file.
 class JUnitFacadeRunner

Uses of IRunnerParameterized in jtr.test

Methods in jtr.test that return IRunnerParameterized
protected  IRunnerParameterized TestRunManager.handleReinitialization(IRunnerParameterized pRunner)
          The reinitialization of an IRunnerParameterized is delegated to its associated IParamsAssigner.

Methods in jtr.test with parameters of type IRunnerParameterized
 void TestRunManager.backIntoPool(IRunnerParameterized pRunner)
          Once an IRunner has consumed its runs for a given epoch it has to be put back into the pool waiting for the next epoch to come.
protected  IRunnerParameterized TestRunManager.handleReinitialization(IRunnerParameterized pRunner)
          The reinitialization of an IRunnerParameterized is delegated to its associated IParamsAssigner.

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