JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IRunnerPooled
jtr.pool This packages contains internal classes required by the JTR runtime. 
jtr.runners This package defines the hierarchy of interfaces that shape the interaction between user-defined runners and the JTR runtime. 

Uses of IRunnerPooled in jtr.pool

Methods in jtr.pool that return IRunnerPooled
 IRunnerPooled RunnerPool.add(IRunnerParameterized runner)
          Adds an IRunnerParameterized to the current pool.
 IRunnerPooled[] RunnerPool.addAll(IRunnerParameterized[] runners)
          Adds a set of IRunnerParameterized to the current pool.
 IRunnerPooled RunnerPool.remove(int index)
          Removes the IRunnerPooled allocated at the provided index.
 IRunnerPooled[] RunnerPool.removeAll()
          Make the pool empty and returns all the removed entries.

Uses of IRunnerPooled in jtr.runners

Subinterfaces of IRunnerPooled in jtr.runners
 interface IRunner
          This interface represents a runner in its RUNNING state.
All the states in which a java.lang.Thread might be are now reachable from this state.
 interface IRunnerJMS
          This interface defines all the set-up methods an IRunner meant for dealing with the JMS API has to expose.
 interface IRunnerWs
          This interface defines those methods required to inject into an IRunner concrete implementation the configuration required to access and invoke a webservice.

Classes in jtr.runners that implement IRunnerPooled
 class AbstractJMSRunner
          This abstract runner has to be the base class of all the application-level runners willing to leverage on the JTR runtime for the dynamic injection of JMS administered objects defined in the jtr.xml configuration file.
 class AbstractRunner
          This is the base class every application level runner should extend.
 class AbstractRunnerAncestor
          This base abstract class is the ancestor common to every JTR abstract runner.
 class AbstractWsRunner
          This abstract class is the base class every application-level IRunner implementation should extend when the ability to access webservices is required.
This class provides facilities for invoking webservices according to what has been specified in the jtr.xml configuration file.
 class JUnitFacadeRunner

Methods in jtr.runners that return IRunnerPooled
 IRunnerPooled AbstractRunnerAncestor.setPool(RunnerPool pool)
          Set the pool this IRunner will belong to
 IRunnerPooled IRunnerParameterized.setPool(RunnerPool pool)
          Assign the current IRunnerParameterized to the given pool.

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