JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Package

Packages that use jtr.runners
jtr.assigner This package contains all the interfaces defining the contract standing amongst the JTR runtime and those concrete components in charge of implementing parameters assignment strategies as described in the users' guide available starting form here
jtr.assigner.impl Default implementations of the contracts defined in the jtr.assigner package. 
jtr.jms This package contains helper classes for performing JMS-related tasks. 
jtr.pool This packages contains internal classes required by the JTR runtime. 
jtr.remote.pool This package contains specializations to classes/contracts defined in jtr.pool, required to enable JTR Distributed Testing sessions. 
jtr.remote.test This package contains specializations to classes/contracts defined in jtr.test, required to enable JTR Distributed Testing sessions. 
jtr.runners This package defines the hierarchy of interfaces that shape the interaction between user-defined runners and the JTR runtime. 
jtr.test This package contains all those classes and interfaces in charge of managing the execution of JTR Test Sessions.
Beside this, this package brings a set of interfaces that model the way an outcome is defined in the JTR Project, and other contracts that must be implemented by those components in charge of showing the test results to the end user upon completion. 
jtr.test.impl Default implementations of the interfaces defined in the jtr.test package. 
jtr.ws Here we have all the contracts that define the interaction between the JTR runtime and those components in charge of supporting user-defined runners in webservices invocation. 
jtr.ws.jaxws Default JAX-WS 2.1.1 based implementation of the contracts defined in jtr.ws

Classes in jtr.runners used by jtr.assigner
          This interface represents a runner in its CLEAN state.
          This interface represents runners in the PARAMETERIZED state.
Each runner in such a state is already assigneable to a pool but it is not actually belonging to any pool.
The next allowed state is POOLED.

Classes in jtr.runners used by jtr.assigner.impl
          This interface represents a runner in its CLEAN state.
          This interface represents runners in the PARAMETERIZED state.
Each runner in such a state is already assigneable to a pool but it is not actually belonging to any pool.
The next allowed state is POOLED.

Classes in jtr.runners used by jtr.jms
          This interface represents a runner in its RUNNING state.
All the states in which a java.lang.Thread might be are now reachable from this state.

Classes in jtr.runners used by jtr.pool
          This exception is thrown by the RunnerCreator should it be impossible to instantiate the required runner.
          This interface represents runners in the PARAMETERIZED state.
Each runner in such a state is already assigneable to a pool but it is not actually belonging to any pool.
The next allowed state is POOLED.
          This interface describes a runner in its POOLED state.
Thus the runner is finally elegible for leaving the pool and running according to the provided configuration.

Classes in jtr.runners used by jtr.remote.pool
          This exception is thrown by the RunnerCreator should it be impossible to instantiate the required runner.

Classes in jtr.runners used by jtr.remote.test
          This exception is thrown by the RunnerCreator should it be impossible to instantiate the required runner.
          This interface represents runners in the PARAMETERIZED state.
Each runner in such a state is already assigneable to a pool but it is not actually belonging to any pool.
The next allowed state is POOLED.

Classes in jtr.runners used by jtr.runners
          This base abstract class is the ancestor common to every JTR abstract runner.
          This interface represents a runner in its RUNNING state.
All the states in which a java.lang.Thread might be are now reachable from this state.
          This interface represents a runner in its CLEAN state.
          This exception is thrown by the RunnerCreator should it be impossible to instantiate the required runner.
          This interface defines all the set-up methods an IRunner meant for dealing with the JMS API has to expose.
          This interface represents runners in the PARAMETERIZED state.
Each runner in such a state is already assigneable to a pool but it is not actually belonging to any pool.
The next allowed state is POOLED.
          This interface describes a runner in its POOLED state.
Thus the runner is finally elegible for leaving the pool and running according to the provided configuration.
          This interface defines those methods required to inject into an IRunner concrete implementation the configuration required to access and invoke a webservice.

Classes in jtr.runners used by jtr.test
          This is the base class every application level runner should extend.
          This exception is thrown by the RunnerCreator should it be impossible to instantiate the required runner.
          This interface represents runners in the PARAMETERIZED state.
Each runner in such a state is already assigneable to a pool but it is not actually belonging to any pool.
The next allowed state is POOLED.

Classes in jtr.runners used by jtr.test.impl
          This is the base class every application level runner should extend.

Classes in jtr.runners used by jtr.ws
          This interface defines those methods required to inject into an IRunner concrete implementation the configuration required to access and invoke a webservice.

Classes in jtr.runners used by jtr.ws.jaxws
          This interface defines those methods required to inject into an IRunner concrete implementation the configuration required to access and invoke a webservice.

The JTR Project is licensed under GPL version 2