JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IOutcome
jtr.runners This package defines the hierarchy of interfaces that shape the interaction between user-defined runners and the JTR runtime. 
jtr.test This package contains all those classes and interfaces in charge of managing the execution of JTR Test Sessions.
Beside this, this package brings a set of interfaces that model the way an outcome is defined in the JTR Project, and other contracts that must be implemented by those components in charge of showing the test results to the end user upon completion. 
jtr.test.impl Default implementations of the interfaces defined in the jtr.test package. 

Uses of IOutcome in jtr.runners

Methods in jtr.runners with parameters of type IOutcome
 void AbstractRunnerAncestor.enrichOutcome(IOutcome outcome)
          This abstract method must be used either when the user needs to enrich the given outcome with a JTR UserObject or in case the default IOutcomeFactory has been replaced with a custom one.

Uses of IOutcome in jtr.test

Classes in jtr.test with type parameters of type IOutcome
 interface IOutcomeFactory<T extends IOutcome>
          This interface has to be implemented along with the IOutcome interface for providing a custom implementation of a JTRunner outcome.
 class TestOutcomeTable<T extends IOutcome>
          This class is meant to be a repository of different IOutcome instances.
Whenever an IRunner faces an exception, an IOutcome is instantiated and added to this repository.
Once the test is done, the content of the TestOutcomeTable is provided to the user as a briefing of what happened during the runs.

Methods in jtr.test that return types with arguments of type IOutcome
 java.util.SortedSet<IOutcome> TestOutcomeTable.getOrderedOutcomes(java.lang.String instance)
 java.util.List<IOutcome> TestOutcomeTable.getOutcomes(java.lang.String instance)

Uses of IOutcome in jtr.test.impl

Classes in jtr.test.impl that implement IOutcome
 class DefaultOutcome
          This is the default implementation provided for the IOutcome interface.

Methods in jtr.test.impl that return IOutcome
 IOutcome DefaultOutcomeFactory.getInstance()
          Factory method that returns a valid IOutcome instance.

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