JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Class

Packages that use JMSConfig
jtr.config Here reside all the basic classes used to compose the object-oriented representation of a jtr.xml configuration file. 
jtr.jms This package contains helper classes for performing JMS-related tasks. 
jtr.runners This package defines the hierarchy of interfaces that shape the interaction between user-defined runners and the JTR runtime. 

Uses of JMSConfig in jtr.config

Methods in jtr.config that return JMSConfig
 JMSConfig TestConfig.getJmsConfig(java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves the JMS configuration associated with the given key (its unique id).

Methods in jtr.config with parameters of type JMSConfig
 void TestConfig.addJmsConfig(JMSConfig jmsc)
          Add a JMS configuration to the current jtr-test configuration.

Uses of JMSConfig in jtr.jms

Methods in jtr.jms with parameters of type JMSConfig
static void JMSHelper.inject(IRunner target, JMSConfig jmsConfig)
          Performs the injection of all the JMS related objects into the given runner.
Note: you are not required to invoke this method from your concrete IRunner implementation: the JTR runtime will take care for you.
protected static void JMSHelper.injectConnectionFactories(IRunner target, JMSConfig jmsConfig)
protected static void JMSHelper.injectQueues(IRunner target, JMSConfig jmsConfig)
protected static void JMSHelper.injectTopics(IRunner target, JMSConfig jmsConfig)

Uses of JMSConfig in jtr.runners

Methods in jtr.runners that return JMSConfig
 JMSConfig AbstractJMSRunner.getJmsConfig()
          Get the JMS configuration assigned to the current IRunner
 JMSConfig IRunnerJMS.getJmsConfig()
          Get the JMS configuration assigned to the current IRunner

Methods in jtr.runners with parameters of type JMSConfig
 void AbstractJMSRunner.setJmsConfig(JMSConfig jmsConfig)
          Set the JMS configuration assigned to the current IRunner
 void IRunnerJMS.setJmsConfig(JMSConfig jmsConfig)
          Set the JMS configuration assigned to the current IRunner

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