JTR 5.0 API Documentation

Uses of Class

Packages that use TestOutcomeTable
jtr.remote.test This package contains specializations to classes/contracts defined in jtr.test, required to enable JTR Distributed Testing sessions. 
jtr.remote.test.impl This package contains concrete default implementations of the contracts defined in jtr.remote.test
jtr.runners This package defines the hierarchy of interfaces that shape the interaction between user-defined runners and the JTR runtime. 
jtr.test This package contains all those classes and interfaces in charge of managing the execution of JTR Test Sessions.
Beside this, this package brings a set of interfaces that model the way an outcome is defined in the JTR Project, and other contracts that must be implemented by those components in charge of showing the test results to the end user upon completion. 
jtr.test.impl Default implementations of the interfaces defined in the jtr.test package. 
jtr.test.results.exporters This package contains defines the contract that components in charge of exporting test results to any particular format must adhere to in order to be able to interact with other JTR components. 
jtr.test.results.exporters.impl This package contains default implementation(s) of the contracts defined by interfaces located in jtr.test.results.exporters
jtr.ui.swing The default Swing-based JTR user-interface. 

Uses of TestOutcomeTable in jtr.remote.test

Methods in jtr.remote.test with parameters of type TestOutcomeTable
 void TestOutcomeCollector.provideTestOutcome(NodeInfo srcJtrNode, TestOutcomeTable outcome)
          Provide the collector with a new JTR-test outcome, along with the description of the originating node.

Uses of TestOutcomeTable in jtr.remote.test.impl

Methods in jtr.remote.test.impl with parameters of type TestOutcomeTable
 void TestOutcomeCollectorImpl.provideTestOutcome(NodeInfo srcJtrNode, TestOutcomeTable outcome)

Uses of TestOutcomeTable in jtr.runners

Methods in jtr.runners that return TestOutcomeTable
 TestOutcomeTable AbstractRunnerAncestor.getTestOutcomeTable()
          Return the current TestOutcomeTable
 TestOutcomeTable IRunnerClean.getTestOutcomeTable()
          Get the TestOutcomeTable instance where the runner logs all the experienced error conditions.

Methods in jtr.runners with parameters of type TestOutcomeTable
 void AbstractRunnerAncestor.setTestOutcomeTable(TestOutcomeTable testOutcomeTable)
          Set the current TestOutcomeTable
 void IRunnerClean.setTestOutcomeTable(TestOutcomeTable testOutcomeTable)
          Set the TestOutcomeTable instance where the runner logs all the experienced error conditions.

Uses of TestOutcomeTable in jtr.test

Methods in jtr.test that return TestOutcomeTable
protected  TestOutcomeTable TestRunManager.getTestOutcomeTable()

Methods in jtr.test with parameters of type TestOutcomeTable
 void TestOutcomeTable.addAll(TestOutcomeTable outcome)
 void ITestCompletionListener.notifyTestCompletion(NodeInfo node, TestOutcomeTable outcome)
          Notifies the completion of a JTR-test session coming form the given JTR-node.
protected  void TestRunManager.setTestOutcomeTable(TestOutcomeTable val)

Method parameters in jtr.test with type arguments of type TestOutcomeTable
 void ITestResultDisplayer.showResults(java.util.Map<NodeInfo,TestOutcomeTable> outcomes)
          Show the results of the tests contained in the provided map.

Uses of TestOutcomeTable in jtr.test.impl

Fields in jtr.test.impl with type parameters of type TestOutcomeTable
protected  java.util.Map<NodeInfo,TestOutcomeTable> HeadlessTestResultDisplayer.results

Methods in jtr.test.impl that return types with arguments of type TestOutcomeTable
protected  java.util.Map<NodeInfo,TestOutcomeTable> HeadlessTestCompletionListener.purgeOutcomes(NodeInfo node, TestOutcomeTable outcome)

Methods in jtr.test.impl with parameters of type TestOutcomeTable
 void DefaultTestCompletionListener.notifyTestCompletion(NodeInfo node, TestOutcomeTable outcome)
          Notifies the completion of a JTR-test session coming form the given JTR-node.
 void HeadlessTestCompletionListener.notifyTestCompletion(NodeInfo node, TestOutcomeTable outcome)
          Notifies the completion of a JTR-test session coming form the given JTR-node.
protected  java.util.Map<NodeInfo,TestOutcomeTable> HeadlessTestCompletionListener.purgeOutcomes(NodeInfo node, TestOutcomeTable outcome)
protected  void HeadlessTestCompletionListener.showResults(NodeInfo node, TestOutcomeTable outcome)

Method parameters in jtr.test.impl with type arguments of type TestOutcomeTable
 void DefaultTestResultDisplayer.showResults(java.util.Map<NodeInfo,TestOutcomeTable> outcomes)
          Show the results of the tests contained in the provided map.
 void HeadlessTestResultDisplayer.showResults(java.util.Map<NodeInfo,TestOutcomeTable> outcomes)

Uses of TestOutcomeTable in jtr.test.results.exporters

Methods in jtr.test.results.exporters with parameters of type TestOutcomeTable
 void ITestResultsExporter.export(NodeInfo node, TestOutcomeTable results)
          Export the test results produced by the specified JTR node.

Uses of TestOutcomeTable in jtr.test.results.exporters.impl

Methods in jtr.test.results.exporters.impl with parameters of type TestOutcomeTable
 void ExcelExporter.export(NodeInfo n, TestOutcomeTable results)

Uses of TestOutcomeTable in jtr.ui.swing

Method parameters in jtr.ui.swing with type arguments of type TestOutcomeTable
 void TestResultFrame.updateResults(java.util.Map<NodeInfo,TestOutcomeTable> outcomes)

Constructor parameters in jtr.ui.swing with type arguments of type TestOutcomeTable
TestResultFrame(ITestResultDisplayer lsnr, java.util.Map<NodeInfo,TestOutcomeTable> map)
          Creates new form TestResultFrame

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