JTR 5.0 API Documentation
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UniformDouble - Class in jtr.lang.functions.impl
Implementation of the uniform-double distribution.
UniformDouble(String[]) - Constructor for class jtr.lang.functions.impl.UniformDouble
UniformInt - Class in jtr.lang.functions.impl
Implementation of the uniform-int distribution.
UniformInt(String[]) - Constructor for class jtr.lang.functions.impl.UniformInt
UniformLong - Class in jtr.lang.functions.impl
Implementation of the uniform-long distribution.
UniformLong(String[]) - Constructor for class jtr.lang.functions.impl.UniformLong
UnknownAssignmentPolicyException - Exception in jtr.assigner
This exception is thrown when an IAssignmentPolicyFactory is requested to instantiate an unknown IAssignmentPolicy implementation
UnknownAssignmentPolicyException() - Constructor for exception jtr.assigner.UnknownAssignmentPolicyException
Constructs an UnknownAssignmentPolicyException without a message.
UnknownAssignmentPolicyException(String) - Constructor for exception jtr.assigner.UnknownAssignmentPolicyException
Constructs an UnknownAssignmentPolicyException with a detailed message.
UnknownAssignmentPolicyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jtr.assigner.UnknownAssignmentPolicyException
Constructs an UnknownAssignmentPolicyException with a detailed message and a root cause.
UnknownFunctionException - Exception in jtr.lang.functions
This exception is thrown whenever an unknown function is met.
UnknownFunctionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jtr.lang.functions.UnknownFunctionException
updateGlobalTests(int) - Method in class jtr.ui.swing.TestRunningFrame
updateLocalEpochs(int) - Method in class jtr.test.impl.DefaultTestCompletionListener
This method updates the feedback provided to the user as far as local epochs completion is concerned.
updateLocalEpochs(int) - Method in class jtr.test.impl.HeadlessTestCompletionListener
This method updates the feedback provided to the user as far as local epochs completion is concerned.
updateLocalEpochs(int) - Method in interface jtr.test.ITestCompletionListener
This method updates the feedback provided to the user as far as local epochs completion is concerned.
updateLocalEpochs(int) - Method in class jtr.ui.swing.TestRunningFrame
updateLocalRuns() - Method in class jtr.test.impl.DefaultTestCompletionListener
This method updates the feedback provided to the user as far as local runs completion is concerned.
updateLocalRuns() - Method in class jtr.test.impl.HeadlessTestCompletionListener
This method updates the feedback provided to the user as far as local runs completion is concerned.
updateLocalRuns() - Method in interface jtr.test.ITestCompletionListener
This method updates the feedback provided to the user as far as local runs completion is concerned.
updateLocalRuns() - Method in class jtr.ui.swing.TestRunningFrame
updateResults(Map<NodeInfo, TestOutcomeTable>) - Method in class jtr.ui.swing.TestResultFrame

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