JTR 5.0 API Documentation
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IASSIGNMENT_POLICY_FACTORY - Static variable in class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
Key necessary to set/obtain the factory in charge of instantiating IAssignmentPolicy concrete implementations.
IAssignmentPolicy - Interface in jtr.assigner
This interface defines what an assignment policy is in the JTR framework.
IAssignmentPolicyFactory - Interface in jtr.assigner
This interface defines the contract between JTR and those concrete classes in charge of instantiating objects meant for managing the assignment of parameters to IRunners instances.
IconImageProvider - Class in jtr.ui.swing
This class provides the icon image for JTR frames.
IconImageProvider() - Constructor for class jtr.ui.swing.IconImageProvider
IFactory - Interface in jtr.assigner
Thi interface is simply a placeholder allowing the framework to identify those classes playing a factory-like role.
INDEXED - Static variable in class jtr.assigner.impl.DefaultAssignmentPolicyFactory
The type for obtaining an IndexedAssignmentPolicy.
IndexedAssignmentPolicy - Class in jtr.assigner.impl
This class is the default implementation of the indexed parameters assignment policy.
It has to be used only to retrieve concrete IParamsAssigner implementations providing an indexed parameters assignment policy.
IndexedAssignmentPolicy() - Constructor for class jtr.assigner.impl.IndexedAssignmentPolicy
Default constructor.
IndexedParamsAssigner - Class in jtr.assigner.impl
This class is a concrete IParamsAssigner implementation providing an indexed parameters assignment policy.
This means that should a configured runner have multiple parameters-sets associated with it, this particular assigner would provide the i-th runner instance with the i-th mod(n) parameter-set where n is the number of configured parameters-sets.br> Each assignment will be performed at the beginning of each run.
IndexedParamsAssigner() - Constructor for class jtr.assigner.impl.IndexedParamsAssigner
Default constructor.
initializePool(TestConfig) - Method in class jtr.remote.test.RemoteTestRunManager
initializePool(TestConfig, ITestCompletionListener) - Method in class jtr.test.TestRunManager
Initialize the pool of IRunners.
inject(IRunner, JMSConfig) - Static method in class jtr.jms.JMSHelper
Performs the injection of all the JMS related objects into the given runner.
Note: you are not required to invoke this method from your concrete IRunner implementation: the JTR runtime will take care for you.
injectConnectionFactories(IRunner, JMSConfig) - Static method in class jtr.jms.JMSHelper
injectConnections(IRunner, JMSConnectionFactory, ConnectionFactory, String) - Static method in class jtr.jms.JMSHelper
injectQueues(IRunner, JMSConfig) - Static method in class jtr.jms.JMSHelper
injectQueueSessions(IRunner, JMSConnection, QueueConnection) - Static method in class jtr.jms.JMSHelper
injectTopics(IRunner, JMSConfig) - Static method in class jtr.jms.JMSHelper
injectTopicSessions(IRunner, JMSConnection, TopicConnection) - Static method in class jtr.jms.JMSHelper
injectXAQueueSessions(IRunner, JMSConnection, XAQueueConnection) - Static method in class jtr.jms.JMSHelper
injectXATopicSessions(IRunner, JMSConnection, XATopicConnection) - Static method in class jtr.jms.JMSHelper
Input - Class in jtr.config.script
Class that maps the input element of the jtr.xml configuration file.
Input() - Constructor for class jtr.config.script.Input
Input.Type - Enum in jtr.config.script
Enumeration of constants defining the recognized parameter types.
Inputs - Class in jtr.config.script
Class that maps the inputs element of the jtr.xml configuration file.
Inputs() - Constructor for class jtr.config.script.Inputs
invoke(Binding, Object) - Method in class jtr.runners.AbstractWsRunner
invoke(Binding, Object) - Method in interface jtr.runners.IRunnerWs
Performs a synchronous invocation.
invoke(IRunnerWs, Binding, Object) - Method in interface jtr.ws.IWsHelper
This method performs a request/response synchronous webservice invocation.
invoke(IRunnerWs, Binding, Object) - Method in class jtr.ws.jaxws.JaxWsHelper
invokeAsync(Binding, Object, IWsResponseListener) - Method in class jtr.runners.AbstractWsRunner
invokeAsync(Binding, Object) - Method in class jtr.runners.AbstractWsRunner
invokeAsync(Binding, Object, IWsResponseListener) - Method in interface jtr.runners.IRunnerWs
Performs an asynchronous invocation.
invokeAsync(Binding, Object) - Method in interface jtr.runners.IRunnerWs
Performs an asynchronous invocation.
invokeAsync(IRunnerWs, Binding, Object, IWsResponseListener) - Method in interface jtr.ws.IWsHelper
This method performs an asynchronous invocation of the webservice described by the binding parameter.
invokeAsync(IRunnerWs, Binding, Object) - Method in interface jtr.ws.IWsHelper
This method performs an asynchronous invocation of the webservice described by the binding parameter.
invokeAsync(IRunnerWs, Binding, Object, IWsResponseListener) - Method in class jtr.ws.jaxws.JaxWsHelper
invokeAsync(IRunnerWs, Binding, Object) - Method in class jtr.ws.jaxws.JaxWsHelper
invokeOneWay(Binding, Object) - Method in class jtr.runners.AbstractWsRunner
invokeOneWay(Binding, Object) - Method in interface jtr.runners.IRunnerWs
Performs a one-way webservice invocation.
invokeOneWay(IRunnerWs, Binding, Object) - Method in interface jtr.ws.IWsHelper
This method performs a request only webservice invocation.
invokeOneWay(IRunnerWs, Binding, Object) - Method in class jtr.ws.jaxws.JaxWsHelper
IOutcome<T extends AbstractRunner> - Interface in jtr.test
This interface defines what an outcome is for the JTRunner framework.
An outcome is composed by:

IOutcome.OutcomeType - Enum in jtr.test
Categorization of the different admitted outcome types.
IOUTCOME_FACTORY - Static variable in class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
Key necessary to set/obtain the factory in charge of instantiating IOutcomeFactory concrete implementations.
IOutcomeFactory<T extends IOutcome> - Interface in jtr.test
This interface has to be implemented along with the IOutcome interface for providing a custom implementation of a JTRunner outcome.
IParamsAssigner - Interface in jtr.assigner
This interface defines the contract between JTR and the concrete implementations in charge of performing the task of assigning values to concrete IRunner instances under the control of both the TestRunManager and the AbstractRunner.
IPoolManager - Interface in jtr.pool
This interface defines the contract standing between the IRunners and the pool management provided by the JTR framework.
IRunner - Interface in jtr.runners
This interface represents a runner in its RUNNING state.
All the states in which a java.lang.Thread might be are now reachable from this state.
IRunnerClean - Interface in jtr.runners
This interface represents a runner in its CLEAN state.
IRunnerCreationException - Exception in jtr.runners
This exception is thrown by the RunnerCreator should it be impossible to instantiate the required runner.
IRunnerCreationException() - Constructor for exception jtr.runners.IRunnerCreationException
Constructs an IRunnerCreationException without a message.
IRunnerCreationException(String) - Constructor for exception jtr.runners.IRunnerCreationException
Constructs an IRunnerCreationException with a detailed message.
IRunnerCreationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jtr.runners.IRunnerCreationException
Constructs an IRunnerCreationException with a detailed message.
IRunnerJMS - Interface in jtr.runners
This interface defines all the set-up methods an IRunner meant for dealing with the JMS API has to expose.
IRunnerParameterized - Interface in jtr.runners
This interface represents runners in the PARAMETERIZED state.
Each runner in such a state is already assigneable to a pool but it is not actually belonging to any pool.
The next allowed state is POOLED.
IRunnerPooled - Interface in jtr.runners
This interface describes a runner in its POOLED state.
Thus the runner is finally elegible for leaving the pool and running according to the provided configuration.
IRunnerWs - Interface in jtr.runners
This interface defines those methods required to inject into an IRunner concrete implementation the configuration required to access and invoke a webservice.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class jtr.ui.swing.TableSorter
IScriptContext - Interface in jtr.script
This interface represents the default context accessible from every script via the global.jtrContext keyword.
IScriptEngine - Interface in jtr.script
This is the contract every JTR-enabled script-engine has to adhere to.
isFailure() - Method in class jtr.test.impl.DefaultOutcome
isFailure() - Method in interface jtr.test.IOutcome
Returs Boolean.TRUE iff the type equals OutcomeType.FAILURE.
isGenericSession(JMSSession) - Static method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSSession
States whether the given JMSSession is a generic session or not
isQueueConnection(JMSConnection) - Static method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSConnection
States whether the given JMSConnection is a queue connection or not
isQueueSession(JMSSession) - Static method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSSession
States whether the given JMSSession is a queue session or not
isReinitializationForced() - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.AbstractParamsAssigner
Tells whether runner reinitialization has been forced by the JTR-runtime.
isReinitializationForced() - Method in interface jtr.assigner.IParamsAssigner
This method reports whether or no the assigner must perform parameters-assignment to its runner instance due to the presence of some sort of dynamic parameter(s) among those required by the managed runner.
isShared() - Method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSConnection
Is this javax.jms.Connection shareable?
isSorting() - Method in class jtr.ui.swing.TableSorter
isStandard(RunnerConfigParam) - Static method in class jtr.config.StdParameters
States whether the parameter param is a standard parameter or not.
IStatFunction - Interface in jtr.lang.functions
General interface that must be implemented by every concrete function class.
IStatFunctionsFactory - Interface in jtr.lang.functions
This interface must be implemented by concrete IStatFunction factory-classes.
isTopicConnection(JMSConnection) - Static method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSConnection
States whether the given JMSConnection is a topic connection or not
isTopicSession(JMSSession) - Static method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSSession
States whether the given JMSSession is a topic session or not
isXaQueueConnection(JMSConnection) - Static method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSConnection
States whether the given JMSConnection is an XA queue connection or not
isXaQueueSession(JMSSession) - Static method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSSession
States whether the given JMSSession is an XAQueue session or not
isXaSession(JMSSession) - Static method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSSession
States whether the given JMSSession is an XA session or not
isXaTopicConnection(JMSConnection) - Static method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSConnection
States whether the given JMSConnection is an XA topic connection or not
isXaTopicSession(JMSSession) - Static method in class jtr.config.jms.JMSSession
States whether the given JMSSession is an XATopic session or not
iterator() - Method in class jtr.config.ParametersMap
Returns an Iterator to roll over the content of the current ParametersMap.
ITEST_COMPLETION_LISTENER - Static variable in class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
Key necessary to set/obtain the factory in charge of instantiating ITestCompletionListenerFactory concrete implementations.
ITEST_RESULT_DISPLAYER - Static variable in class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
Key necessary to set/obtain the factory in charge of instantiating ITestResultDisplayer concrete implementations.
ITEST_RESULTS_EXPORTER - Static variable in class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
Key necessary to set/obtain the factory in charge of instantiating ITestResultsExporterFactory concrete implementations.
ITEST_SCRIPTING_ENGINE - Static variable in class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
Key necessary to set/obtain the factory in charge of instantiating IScriptEngine concrete implementations.
ITEST_SNAPSHOT_FACTORY - Static variable in class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
Key necessary to set/obtain the factory in charge of instantiating ITestSnapshotFactory concrete implementations.
ITEST_STAT_FUNCTIONS - Static variable in class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
ITestCompletionListener - Interface in jtr.test
This interface defines the basic behavior of those classes meant for receiving notification upon both local and remote tests completions.
ITestResultDisplayer - Interface in jtr.test
This interface has to be implemented in order to customize the way test results are showed at the end of the session.
ITestResultsExporter - Interface in jtr.test.results.exporters
This interface defines the behaviour of JTR components in charge of exporting a JTR test result to an external format.
IWsHelper - Interface in jtr.ws
This interface defines the methods every webservice helper class should expose in the JTR framework.
A webservice helper class is meant for shielding the AbstractWsRunner and its subclasses from the API actually used to access and invoke webservices.
Thus a webservice-enabled runner should not contain code related to a particular webservice invocation API, but should only (as far as possible at least!) rely on the configured IWsHelper concrete implementation.
Note: this interface is not meant for direct use by user-defined runners.
IWSHELPER_FACTORY - Static variable in class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
Key necessary to set/obtain the factory in charge of instantiating IWsHelperFactory concrete implementations.
IWsHelperFactory - Interface in jtr.ws
This interface defines the contract between the JTR framework and every ws-plugin implementation.
It is possible to plug into the JTR framework different webservices access/invocation providers just providing a new IWsHelperFactory implementation along with at least a custom IWsHelper implementation.
IWsResponse - Interface in jtr.ws
This interface allows the access to both payload and context of a response message that follows an operation invocation.
IWsResponseListener - Interface in jtr.ws
This interface must be implemented for receiving callback notifications of the completion of a service invocation.

The JTR Project is licensed under GPL version 2
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