JTR 5.0 API Documentation
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main(String[]) - Static method in class jtr.remote.test.RemoteTestListener
This method launches the JTR Gateway Service, the service in charge of accepting test-configurations originated from other active JTR nodes.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jtr.test.Test
Starts the test.
MissingFactoryException - Exception in jtr.config
This exception is thrown whenever a required factory cannot be found.
MissingFactoryException(String) - Constructor for exception jtr.config.MissingFactoryException
Creates a new instance of MissingFactoryException
MissingFactoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jtr.config.MissingFactoryException
MissingStdParameterException - Exception in jtr.assigner
This exception is thrown whenever an IParamsAssigner cannot find in the provided RunnerConnfig instance one of the JTR standard parameters.
MissingStdParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception jtr.assigner.MissingStdParameterException
Constructs a MissingStdParameterException without a message.
MissingStdParameterException(String, String) - Constructor for exception jtr.assigner.MissingStdParameterException
Constructs a MissingStdParameterException with a detailed message.
MissingStdParameterException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jtr.assigner.MissingStdParameterException
Constructs a MissingStdParameterException with a detailed message and a root cause
modelIndex(int) - Method in class jtr.ui.swing.TableSorter

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