JTR 5.0 API Documentation
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JaxWsHelper - Class in jtr.ws.jaxws
Implementation of the IWsHelper contract, based on the JAX-WS 2.1 API and the JAXB 2.1 API.
JaxWsHelper() - Constructor for class jtr.ws.jaxws.JaxWsHelper
Creates a new instance of JaxWsHelper
JaxWsHelperFactory - Class in jtr.ws.jaxws
Factory for instantiating new JAX-WS-based IWsHelpers.
JaxWsHelperFactory() - Constructor for class jtr.ws.jaxws.JaxWsHelperFactory
JMS - Static variable in class jtr.config.StdParameters
The JMS configuration that should be passed to a given IRunner.
JMSConfig - Class in jtr.config.jms
This class is the object oriented representation of the content of the jtx.xml <jms> element.
JMSConfig() - Constructor for class jtr.config.jms.JMSConfig
The default constructor.
JMSConnection - Class in jtr.config.jms
This class is the object oriented representation of the connection element you can find inside the jtr.xml configuration file.
It is logically mapped to a javax.jms.Connection.
JMSConnection() - Constructor for class jtr.config.jms.JMSConnection
Default constructor.
JMSConnectionFactory - Class in jtr.config.jms
This class is the object oriented representation of the conn-factory element of the jtr.xml configuration file.
This class logically maps itself to a javax.jms.ConnectionFactory class.
A JMSConnectionFactory holds a moltitude of JMSConnections.
JMSConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class jtr.config.jms.JMSConnectionFactory
Default constructor
JMSDestination - Class in jtr.config.jms
This class is the object oriented representation of both every queue and topic jtr.xml configuration file's element.
It logically maps itself to either a javax.jms.Queue or javax.jms.Topic.
JMSDestination() - Constructor for class jtr.config.jms.JMSDestination
The default constructor.
JMSDestination(String, String) - Constructor for class jtr.config.jms.JMSDestination
A parameterized constructor.
JMSFactories - Class in jtr.config.jms
This class is used for gathering a set of JMSConnectionFactory instances.
JMSFactories() - Constructor for class jtr.config.jms.JMSFactories
Default constructor
JMSHelper - Class in jtr.jms
This helper class performs the injection of the following JMS related objects into a concrete runner implementing the IRunnerJMS interface:
JMSHelper() - Constructor for class jtr.jms.JMSHelper
JMSInjectionException - Exception in jtr.jms
This exception is thrown whenever something goes wrong during the injection of JMS related objects into a concrete IRunner implementation.
JMSInjectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jtr.jms.JMSInjectionException
Parameterized constructor
JMSInjectionException(String) - Constructor for exception jtr.jms.JMSInjectionException
Constructor with error message
JMSSession - Class in jtr.config.jms
This is the object oriented representation of a session element of the jtr.xml configuration file.
It logically maps itself to a javax.jms.Session.
JMSSession() - Constructor for class jtr.config.jms.JMSSession
The default constructor.
jtr.ant - package jtr.ant
This package contains Ant-based tasks useful for running JTR 5 both in passive and active mode.
jtr.assigner - package jtr.assigner
This package contains all the interfaces defining the contract standing amongst the JTR runtime and those concrete components in charge of implementing parameters assignment strategies as described in the users' guide available starting form here.
jtr.assigner.impl - package jtr.assigner.impl
Default implementations of the contracts defined in the jtr.assigner package.
jtr.assigner.util - package jtr.assigner.util
This package includes utility classes for performing runners' parameterizaions from within concrete assigners implementations.
jtr.config - package jtr.config
Here reside all the basic classes used to compose the object-oriented representation of a jtr.xml configuration file.
jtr.config.enterprise - package jtr.config.enterprise
This packages gathers those classes used to represent the enterprise configurations defined in the jtr.xml file.
jtr.config.jms - package jtr.config.jms
In this package are located those classes used to provide an object-oriented representation of the JMS Configuration Section of a jtr.xml file.
jtr.config.remote - package jtr.config.remote
This package contains the classes required to reprsent in object-oriented way the XML elements used in a jtr.xml file to represent JTR Passive-Nodes that must take part in a JTR Distributed-Test Session.
jtr.config.script - package jtr.config.script
This package contains the classes required to reprsent in object-oriented way the XML elements used in a jtr.xml file to represent both library and parameterization scripts.
jtr.config.ws - package jtr.config.ws
This package contains all those classes that maps one-to-one with those XML elements used to define WebServices Configurations in a jtr.xml configuration file.
jtr.enterprise - package jtr.enterprise
This packages contains helper classes for performing lookup of JEE resources.
jtr.jms - package jtr.jms
This package contains helper classes for performing JMS-related tasks.
jtr.lang.functions - package jtr.lang.functions
This package contains the main interfaces that must be implemented by both built-in and user-defined functions that should be used to assign values to runner parameters.
jtr.lang.functions.impl - package jtr.lang.functions.impl
This package contains the default implementation of the built-in statistical functions shipped with JTR.
jtr.pool - package jtr.pool
This packages contains internal classes required by the JTR runtime.
jtr.remote.cl - package jtr.remote.cl
This package defines all the basic components that enable the dynamic transmission of locally-unavailable class-definitions and resources, from a JTR Active-Node to JTR Passive-Nodes during a JTR Distributed-Test session.
jtr.remote.cl.impl - package jtr.remote.cl.impl
This package is meant for storing concrete implementation(s) of contract(s) defined in jtr.remote.cl.
jtr.remote.pool - package jtr.remote.pool
This package contains specializations to classes/contracts defined in jtr.pool, required to enable JTR Distributed Testing sessions.
jtr.remote.test - package jtr.remote.test
This package contains specializations to classes/contracts defined in jtr.test, required to enable JTR Distributed Testing sessions.
jtr.remote.test.impl - package jtr.remote.test.impl
This package contains concrete default implementations of the contracts defined in jtr.remote.test.
jtr.remote.utils - package jtr.remote.utils
This package contains utility classes for performing various RMI-based tasks.
jtr.runners - package jtr.runners
This package defines the hierarchy of interfaces that shape the interaction between user-defined runners and the JTR runtime.
jtr.script - package jtr.script
This package contains the main interfaces that must be implemented by both built-in and user-defined bindings to scripting-engines that should be used to run scripts meant for assigning parameters to runners.
jtr.script.impl - package jtr.script.impl
This package contains the implementations of the built-in bindings to scripting-engines that can be used to run scripts meant for assigning parameters to runners.
jtr.test - package jtr.test
This package contains all those classes and interfaces in charge of managing the execution of JTR Test Sessions.
Beside this, this package brings a set of interfaces that model the way an outcome is defined in the JTR Project, and other contracts that must be implemented by those components in charge of showing the test results to the end user upon completion.
jtr.test.impl - package jtr.test.impl
Default implementations of the interfaces defined in the jtr.test package.
jtr.test.results.exporters - package jtr.test.results.exporters
This package contains defines the contract that components in charge of exporting test results to any particular format must adhere to in order to be able to interact with other JTR components.
jtr.test.results.exporters.impl - package jtr.test.results.exporters.impl
This package contains default implementation(s) of the contracts defined by interfaces located in jtr.test.results.exporters.
jtr.ui.swing - package jtr.ui.swing
The default Swing-based JTR user-interface.
jtr.ws - package jtr.ws
Here we have all the contracts that define the interaction between the JTR runtime and those components in charge of supporting user-defined runners in webservices invocation.
jtr.ws.jaxws - package jtr.ws.jaxws
Default JAX-WS 2.1.1 based implementation of the contracts defined in jtr.ws.
JTR_TEST_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class jtr.test.SystemProperties
The path to the jtr.xml configuration file.
JtrPassive - Class in jtr.ant
Ant task for running a JTR passive node.
JtrPassive() - Constructor for class jtr.ant.JtrPassive
JtrRmiClassLoader - Class in jtr.remote.cl
This is the JTR class-loader implementation, for providing a zero-configuration class loading mechanism in the JTR runtime.
JtrRmiClassLoader(NodeInfo) - Constructor for class jtr.remote.cl.JtrRmiClassLoader
Creates a new instance of a JTR class loader.
JtrRmiClassLoaderServer - Interface in jtr.remote.cl
This interface defines the contract a JTR server class-loader must adhere to.
JtrRmiClassLoaderServerImpl - Class in jtr.remote.cl.impl
Default RMI-based implementation of the remote class loader JTR service.
JtrRmiClassLoaderServerImpl() - Constructor for class jtr.remote.cl.impl.JtrRmiClassLoaderServerImpl
Creates a new instance of JtrRmiClassLoaderServerImpl
JtrRmiClassLoaderServerLauncher - Class in jtr.remote.cl
This classe is in charge of launching a JTR server class-loader.
JtrRmiClassLoaderServerLauncher() - Constructor for class jtr.remote.cl.JtrRmiClassLoaderServerLauncher
JtrRun - Class in jtr.ant
Ant task for running a JTR active node.
JtrRun() - Constructor for class jtr.ant.JtrRun
JtrSaxErrorHandler - Class in jtr.config
This is the JTR custom handler for SAX exceptions generated while deserializing the content of the jtr.xml configuration file at startup.
JtrSaxErrorHandler() - Constructor for class jtr.config.JtrSaxErrorHandler
Default constructor.
JUnitFacadeRunner - Class in jtr.runners
JUnitFacadeRunner() - Constructor for class jtr.runners.JUnitFacadeRunner
JUnitFacadeRunner.JUnitFacadeRunnerException - Exception in jtr.runners
JUnitFacadeRunner.JUnitFacadeRunnerException(String) - Constructor for exception jtr.runners.JUnitFacadeRunner.JUnitFacadeRunnerException

The JTR Project is licensed under GPL version 2
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