JTR 5.0 API Documentation
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warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class jtr.config.JtrSaxErrorHandler
WEBSERVICE - Static variable in class jtr.config.StdParameters
The WEBSERVICE configuration that should be passed to a given IRunner.
WebServiceConfig - Class in jtr.config.ws
This class is the object oriented representation of the content of a webservice element of the jtr.xml configuration file.
Every webservice description is logically associated with a WSDL, thus you are required to point out a valid WSDL location as an URL when defining every webservice element.
Nested in a WebServiceConfig there might be one or more services according to your needs.
WebServiceConfig() - Constructor for class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceConfig
Default constructor.
WebServiceMsg - Class in jtr.config.ws
Abstract representation of a webservice message configuration element.
WebServiceMsg() - Constructor for class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceMsg
Default constructor.
WebServiceOperation - Class in jtr.config.ws
This is the abstract representation of a webservice operation configuration element.
WebServiceOperation() - Constructor for class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceOperation
Default constructor.
WebServicePort - Class in jtr.config.ws
This class represents a port elements that can be found in a jtr.xml configuration file.
Semantically its content can be assimilated to the one represented by a WSDL port element.
WebServicePort() - Constructor for class jtr.config.ws.WebServicePort
Default constructor.
WebServicePortType - Class in jtr.config.ws
This class is the object-oriented representation of the portType element that can be found in the jtr.xml configuration file.
Semantically it is comparable to a WSDL port type definition, and is one of the information used by the JTR runtime system to access webservices.
WebServicePortType() - Constructor for class jtr.config.ws.WebServicePortType
Default constructor.
WebServiceService - Class in jtr.config.ws
This class is the object oriented representation of a service element of a jtr.xml configuration file.
It can be assimilated to the concept of WSDL service.
WebServiceService() - Constructor for class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceService
Default constructor.
WebServiceTypeMapping - Class in jtr.config.ws
This class is the object oriented representation of the jtr.xml typeMapping configuration element.
Such a configuration element is used to decleratively instruct the JTR-webservices extension on how to map complex XML data types to Java objects.
WebServiceTypeMapping() - Constructor for class jtr.config.ws.WebServiceTypeMapping
WsProviderException - Exception in jtr.ws
This exception is used to report to higher level components exceptions occurred in the webservices layer.
WsProviderException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jtr.ws.WsProviderException
WsProviderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jtr.ws.WsProviderException
WsProviderException(String) - Constructor for exception jtr.ws.WsProviderException

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