JTR 5.0 API Documentation
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backIntoPool(IRunnerParameterized) - Method in interface jtr.pool.IPoolManager
Puts the provided IRunnerParameterized back into the pool.
backIntoPool(IRunnerParameterized) - Method in class jtr.remote.test.RemoteTestRunManager
backIntoPool(IRunnerParameterized) - Method in class jtr.test.TestRunManager
Once an IRunner has consumed its runs for a given epoch it has to be put back into the pool waiting for the next epoch to come.
backToFirstAssignment(IRunnerClean) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.CyclicParamsAssigner
Brings the provided runner back to its first state.
backToFirstAssignment(IRunnerClean) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.IndexedParamsAssigner
Routes to IndexedParamsAssigner.reAssign(jtr.runners.IRunnerClean).
backToFirstAssignment(IRunnerClean) - Method in interface jtr.assigner.IParamsAssigner
Brings the runner provided has parameter back to its first assignment.
BaseFunction - Class in jtr.lang.functions.impl
This base abstract class contains useful methods for specialized functions.
BaseFunction() - Constructor for class jtr.lang.functions.impl.BaseFunction
BeanUtilsExtension - Class in jtr.assigner.util
This class extends the BeanUtils.setProperty(Object,String,Object) method in a way that accessing and writing private fields becomes possible without the need to leverage on setter methods.
BeanUtilsExtension() - Constructor for class jtr.assigner.util.BeanUtilsExtension
beforeTest() - Method in class jtr.runners.AbstractRunnerAncestor
This optional method must be implemented if the user-defined runner has to prepare one or more resources before executing its testing-logic.
beforeTest() - Method in interface jtr.runners.IRunnerPooled
This optional method must be implemented if the user-defined runner has to prepare one or more resources before executing its testing-logic.
BINDING - Static variable in class jtr.config.StdParameters
The set of available webservice bindings.
Binding - Class in jtr.config.ws
This class defines a unique set of name-space, name, port and operation.
Binding() - Constructor for class jtr.config.ws.Binding
Creates a new instance of Binding
Bindings - Class in jtr.config.ws
This class defines a set of Bindings.
Bindings() - Constructor for class jtr.config.ws.Bindings
Creates a new instance of Bindings
BriefingFrame - Class in jtr.ui.swing
Frame for showing a briefing of the last run test.
BriefingFrame() - Constructor for class jtr.ui.swing.BriefingFrame
Creates new form BriefingFrame
BshScriptEngine - Class in jtr.script.impl
BeanShell-based script-engine adptor for the JTR runtime.
BshScriptEngine() - Constructor for class jtr.script.impl.BshScriptEngine
BshScriptEngine(Interpreter) - Constructor for class jtr.script.impl.BshScriptEngine

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