JTR 5.0 API Documentation
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readAdHocJtrJvmArgs(StringBuilder) - Method in class jtr.ant.JtrPassive
Read specific JVM args.
readAdHocJtrJvmArgs(StringBuilder) - Method in class jtr.ant.JtrRun
Read specific JVM args.
readCommonJtrJvmArgs(StringBuilder) - Method in class jtr.ant.JtrRun
Read common JVM args.
readStdParameters(RunnerConfig, ParametersMap) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.AbstractParamsAssigner
This method reads all the JTR standard parameters and puts them all into an HashMap.
The keys used within this HashMap are those specified as constant fields into the StdParameters class.
reAssign(IRunnerClean) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.CyclicParamsAssigner
Perform every assignment subsequent to the first one using the RunnerConfig provided to the assign method.
reAssign(IRunnerClean) - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.IndexedParamsAssigner
Reassigns the given runner instance cRunner with the associated parameters.
reAssign(IRunnerClean) - Method in interface jtr.assigner.IParamsAssigner
Performs the re-assignment.
receiveFailureNotification(Throwable, String) - Method in interface jtr.runners.IRunner
Callback method for receiving notification of occourred errors.
receiveFailureNotification(Throwable, String) - Method in class jtr.runners.JUnitFacadeRunner
RegisteredFactories - Class in jtr.config
This class is in charge of registering into the JTR runtime configuration all those JTR pluggable component factories.
RegisteredFactories() - Constructor for class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
registerFactory(String, String) - Static method in class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
Registers a new factory identified by the provided key and represented by the provided FQN.
The key has to be one of the recognized values represented by the constant Strings defined by this class.
registerFactory(String, IFactory) - Static method in class jtr.config.RegisteredFactories
This method allow to register a new factory providing its instance rather than its FQN.
registerService(Registry, Class<? extends Remote>, String) - Static method in class jtr.remote.utils.RmiUtil
This method looks-up/registers a service on the registry.
RegistrationFailedException - Exception in jtr.config
This exception is thrown whenever a RegisteredFactory instance fails to register a new factory class.
RegistrationFailedException() - Constructor for exception jtr.config.RegistrationFailedException
Constructs a RegistrationFailedException without a message.
RegistrationFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception jtr.config.RegistrationFailedException
Constructs a RegistrationFailedException with a detailed message.
RegistrationFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jtr.config.RegistrationFailedException
Constructs a RegistrationFailedException with a detailed message and a root cause.
REMOTE_STUBS_HOST - Static variable in class jtr.test.SystemProperties
The value of this property represents the host name string that should be associated with remote stubs for locally created remote objects, in order to allow clients to invoke methods on the remote object.
RemoteRunnerPoolFiller - Class in jtr.remote.pool
This class is in charge of instantiating new runners according to the provided test-configuration and assiging them to the provided pool for later execution.
RemoteRunnerPoolFiller() - Constructor for class jtr.remote.pool.RemoteRunnerPoolFiller
RemoteTestListener - Class in jtr.remote.test
This class is the laucher of the JTR runtime that should be used for those JTR nodes deployed for accepting test configurations originated at other active JTR nodes.
RemoteTestListener() - Constructor for class jtr.remote.test.RemoteTestListener
RemoteTestRunManager - Class in jtr.remote.test
This specialization of the TestRunManager class is able to locally launch test-configurations received by remote JTR-nodes.
RemoteTestRunManager(TestConfig, NodeInfo, NodeInfo) - Constructor for class jtr.remote.test.RemoteTestRunManager
remove(int) - Method in class jtr.pool.RunnerPool
Removes the IRunnerPooled allocated at the provided index.
removeAll() - Method in class jtr.pool.RunnerPool
Make the pool empty and returns all the removed entries.
requiresReinitialization() - Method in class jtr.assigner.impl.AbstractParamsAssigner
Tells whether the runner managed by this assigner required reinitialization or not.
requiresReinitialization() - Method in interface jtr.assigner.IParamsAssigner
According to this assigner behaviour this method states whether the managed IRunner has to be reinitialized or not after each run.
restructureScript(Script) - Method in class jtr.script.impl.AbstractScriptEngine
Given the input script this method reorganizes it into an instance of StructuredScript.
results - Variable in class jtr.test.impl.HeadlessTestResultDisplayer
RMI_REGISTRY_HOST - Static variable in class jtr.test.SystemProperties
If using a remote registry, this is the host the registry is running on, and on which the JTR remote services will be bound, otherwise it defaults to localhost.
RMI_REGISTRY_PORT - Static variable in class jtr.test.SystemProperties
The port number the registry should be assigned to.
RmiUtil - Class in jtr.remote.utils
This class provides utility methods for managing the registry service and for registering new services to it.
RmiUtil() - Constructor for class jtr.remote.utils.RmiUtil
RmiUtilException - Exception in jtr.remote.utils
This unchecked exception is thrown whenever an unrecoverable exception is met by the RmiUtil class.
RmiUtilException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jtr.remote.utils.RmiUtilException
run() - Method in class jtr.runners.AbstractRunnerAncestor
Implements the logic that manages the execution of every test.
run() - Method in interface jtr.runners.IRunnerParameterized
This method starts the execution of the runner.
run() - Method in interface jtr.runners.IRunnerPooled
run() - Method in class jtr.test.Test
This method uses the provided system properties for reading in the configuration files.
After that it creates a TestRunManager using the TestConfig representing the provided jtr.xml file and starts the test.
RunDetailMessageFrame - Class in jtr.ui.swing
Frame for showing the detail explaination of an error occurred during the execution of a test.
RunDetailMessageFrame(Throwable, String) - Constructor for class jtr.ui.swing.RunDetailMessageFrame
Creates new form RunDetailMessageFrame
RunnerConfig - Class in jtr.config
Instances of this class represent configurations associated with specific IRunner implementation classes.
A RunnerConfig instance typically contains information such as the FQN of the associated IRunner concrete class, the number of instances that have to be created by the JTR framework, and the set of parameters to be assigned to runners at runtime along with the desired assignment policy.
RunnerConfig() - Constructor for class jtr.config.RunnerConfig
RunnerConfigParam - Class in jtr.config
A single RunnerConfigParam defines one single parameter name-value pair, to be used by the adopted IParamsAssigner for correctly assigning parameters to the configured IRunner.
RunnerConfigParam() - Constructor for class jtr.config.RunnerConfigParam
RunnerConfigParam.ParamType - Enum in jtr.config
Types of supported runner-parameters type.
RunnerCreator - Class in jtr.runners
This class is in charge of instantiating runners.
RunnerCreator() - Constructor for class jtr.runners.RunnerCreator
RunnerPool - Class in jtr.pool
This class represents a pool of IRunner instances.
Only IRunnerParameterized instances are allowed to be added to the pool, and once added they all become IRunnerPooled.
RunnerPool(IPoolManager) - Constructor for class jtr.pool.RunnerPool
RunnerPoolFiller - Class in jtr.pool
Given a TestConfig and a RunnerPool, this class takes care of both the instantiation of the configured set of IRunners and the filling of the pool.
RunnerPoolFiller() - Constructor for class jtr.pool.RunnerPoolFiller
RUNS - Static variable in class jtr.config.StdParameters
How many runs each IRunner instance has to perform.

The JTR Project is licensed under GPL version 2
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