JTR 5.0 API Documentation
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checkPreconditions(String[]) - Method in class jtr.lang.functions.impl.BaseFunction
Checks whether the provided actual parameters satisfy the requiremenets in terms of nullability and number.
clean() - Method in class jtr.runners.AbstractRunnerAncestor
This method cleans all the configurations/parameters assigned to the current IRunner.
cleanupResources() - Method in interface jtr.runners.IRunnerPooled
This method has to be implemented by all concrete IRunner implementations for performing resource clean-up operations (closing connections, closing files, etc.).
In the current release of JTR, the framework will start the resource clean-up session only upon completion of the last epoch and once all the IRunners have been put back into the pool.
For an IRunner extending the AbstractJMSRunner abstract class, the injection of all the JMS administered objects and connections will happen only once, before the first run of the first epoch is started.
This is for not wasting both time and resources for gathering always the same resources every time a new run has to be executed.
cleanupResources() - Method in class jtr.runners.JUnitFacadeRunner
COMPARABLE_COMAPRATOR - Static variable in class jtr.ui.swing.TableSorter
compareTo(Object) - Method in class jtr.test.impl.DefaultOutcome
This reimplementation of the Comparable#compareTo() method returns: -1 iff this.epoch<o.epoch or this.run<o.run 1 iff this.epoch>o.epoch or this.run>o.run 0 otherwise
Note: this class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals.
ConfigDeserializer - Class in jtr.config
This class is in charge of deserializing the content of the jtr.xml JTR configuration file into an object oriented representation: the TestConfig.
ConfigDeserializer(InputStream) - Constructor for class jtr.config.ConfigDeserializer
consolidateLibrary() - Method in class jtr.script.impl.AbstractScriptEngine
This method puts into the library instance variable all the libary scripts as a single string (actually a StringBuffer instance), organized in a way that all the necessary import statements come before all the library scripts.
containsKey(String) - Method in class jtr.config.ParametersMap
States whether the providede parameter is already in the current set.
create(String, TestConfig, ITestCompletionListener) - Static method in class jtr.runners.RunnerCreator
Creates a runner in CLEAN state using the provided FQN and the given TestConfig.
create(String, TestConfig, int, ITestCompletionListener) - Static method in class jtr.runners.RunnerCreator
Short-hand method for instantiating a set of runners in CLEAN state.
CYCLIC - Static variable in class jtr.assigner.impl.DefaultAssignmentPolicyFactory
The type for obtaining a CyclicAssignmentPolicy.
CyclicAssignmentPolicy - Class in jtr.assigner.impl
This class is the default implementation of the cyclic parameters assignment policy.
It has to be used only to retrieve concrete IParamsAssigner implementations providing a cyclic parameters assignment policy.
CyclicAssignmentPolicy() - Constructor for class jtr.assigner.impl.CyclicAssignmentPolicy
Default constructor.
CyclicParamsAssigner - Class in jtr.assigner.impl
This class is a concrete IParamsAssigner implementation providing a cyclic parameters assignment policy.
This means that should a configured runner have multiple parameters-sets associated with it, this particular assigner would iterate over all the available parameters-set and assign them to the runner following the order in which they compare in the jtr.xml configuration file.
CyclicParamsAssigner() - Constructor for class jtr.assigner.impl.CyclicParamsAssigner
Default constructor.

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